Chapter 28

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Hey guys! So I'll just put up on what the four dude and what The two girl hunters are wearing to save up some time. You're welcome 😉  Also, I know that I've been doing Kristoffer's POV lately. But please get use to that because I'll be doing that for some of our characters too! Enjoyyyy

- Jay


It's been a couple of hours ever since Jay and the girls had been upstairs. All of us stayed in the living room, Angel playing with Bobo and Bobo Jr on the floor, Eric and Steven playing Jenga, both of our best men's playing cards, and me, getting some shut eye.

"I wonder how much they're suffering up there?" Levi said going down the stairs. The men whistles.

"Well isn't that a sight?" Andrew and the three other hunters snickered.

"Funny." He said, but then we heard thumps and mumbling noises upstairs.

"What the heck is happening?? That's been happening for a couple of hours now." Eric said looking at the ceiling.

I opened my eyes and looked at the time to see it was 5:30 pm already. Levi and the boys were already ready, but we weren't sure about the girls. So much for those typical sayings, with girls dressing up slow, but it wasn't probably for everyone. Right?

We all heard footsteps coming down the steps, "finally! It's getting late, we also have to travel you know?" Levi said as he turned around.

"Your mate won't stop running away from the dresses and the make-up!" Jess whined going next to Levi.

Her clothing was so puffed up. It was long and red, her dark blonde hair was up in a messy bun like, but Jay can pull that off better, but her lips was red like her dress, similar to a rose, her heals was too high that she reached my height and her average height was 5'6 I was guessing?? Seems like those heels pumped her up so much. Compared to the boys, they sure make an effort.

"Running away??" I raised an eyebrow, that's weird to know? Does Jay really hate dresses and make-up??

"Yeah. We had to pin her down, but she's too quick. We're all done except her. She still can't accept the fact that she has to be a girl in some cases." She said bitterly.

I chuckled and shook my head, "oh well. Gotta love my mate."

Jess glared at me as more of the girls ran downstairs panting and catching their breaths from the exhaustion they're experiencing. Their hairs were messy, some of the make-up were on them and their clothing, and lastly... Some scratches. The boys eyes were terrified with how much Jay did her numbers on them.

"She's ready.. But she's so- ugh! NO FOOD FOR YOU WHEN YOU GET HOME!" Janine yelled with anger, but she pants and tears took over as her hormones seems to get the best of her.

Eric went to her for comfort, but it changes quickly into a happy lovey dovey type. These things are what men don't understand as much.. Girls are scary in their own ways, but funny about that is.. We can't help, but love them even more.

"She's ready?" I asked and stood up on my feet as I walked in front of the stairs.

"Yeah, she's just to shy and nervous to go down. Jay isn't really the type to be girly at all. During these sort of situations, she's usually shy." Deanne explained.

When I was about to say something, I heard footsteps coming in. Everyone's attention was on her, all of them looked like they fell in love.. When I looked at her, I understood why..

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