Chapter 36

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Hunter's POV

Dinner was great in my opinion. I mean the salmon was cooked so well and the mash potatoes? God damn! It had my mouth watering up.

But on the other hand, Eli was also enjoying his steak as well. Jay? Not so much than I expected, I guess she was worried about her family a lot more who's stuck with Levi. I can't blame her.

Just by looking at her, she kept doing that thing with her mouth where she bites the inside of it and her nails kept on rubbing together with her index and thumb fingers.

I sighed, "Eli let's go home now. I'm beat."  It was a lie.

"Already? We've only been here for 47 minutes?" He chuckled as I gave a serious face that made him nod.

"Fine fine let's go. Jay you done?" He questioned as we looked at her.

"Yeah I am. That was a good food though." She gave a small smile and so did Eli as they stood up.

I stood up along with them, letting Eli walk ahead first from us. I shoved my hands down in my pockets and went next to Jay, as she crosses her arms. It was getting pretty chilly here, especially when the door opened that let the cold breeze hit us. The weather became colder than it was earlier that made my whole body shiver.

"You cold?" I asked Jay as she just looked at me. I gave a half nod, understanding it and took off my suit jacket, wrapping it around her.

"It's fine. You're probably cold." Her teeth was colliding with each other when she stopped talking. Making small noises.

"I'm warm, but I'm also wearing a long sleeve and Eli made you wear something with a revealing back." I chuckled and wrapped a shoulder around her.

As we walked towards the car, her elbow and my ribs had met, making me grunt in pain.

"What's that about?" I questioned holding my side.

"Don't do that." She said bitterly and wrapped the jacket around her tightly, but I still didn't listen.

"You're cold. Come on get inside the car. Go in the back with me, the heater rarely works on the car, I'm still fixing that." I hurried our pace, not letting her answer.

We got to the car and I opened the door, letting her in first as I went second. I slammed the door shut and pulled her close while I felt my heat spreading to hers.

"Um this feels weird." She stated as I chuckled.

"Yeah well suck it up. I don't want you getting sick and Eli might beat my ass for letting you get cold." I shrugged and cleared my throat as Eli begins to drive.

"Don't you have a mate or something?" She questioned as I fell silent.

"I rejected her." I said truthfully.

Her silence that I knew so well by this moment made me decided to answer the questions she has in mind. I don't know her so well, but I knew enough when she was drunk and right now as she lets her guard down, her expressions, actions says a lot more than her silent words. It was her way of words.

"I know that once you find your mate, you feel that love and compassion at the first sight. But sadly, I never felt the same way with her. So instead of hurting her even more by pretending to feel the same, I rejected her with an explanation. I apologized and told her to find someone else who does love her. But me? I'm still finding someone, but I haven't had any luck yet."

She nodded, "at least you were honest. I don't mean to pity her, but I know for a fact on how much pain you've already caused her by saying 'I reject you as my mate.' But hopefully she's recovered from that. I wish you found yours also." I looked and smiled by her kind words.

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