Chapter 74

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- Next day almost in the afternoon -

Kristoffer's POV

"So this was the day care?" Eric questioned, analyzing the outdoor decorations with bold letters and colorful windows.

I nodded while looking at it more than I did yesterday, it was quite a creative design? The ones on the window seems to be painted?

"Pretty much. Let's go in and ask about what they do or something."

"Ooo!" Janine squealed and took out a paper, "I have my questions!" She smiled while the baby babbled and tried snatching the paper away, but she hid it quickly.

I watched as Janine had ran inside of the place with the bell ringing. I entered and looked around to see the place even more colorful. The walls have many multiple colors, there was also bursting color of red, black, baby blue, and many more.

On the ground, there are little kids in the age of 2? Possibly 3 years old to 6? They were sitting and standing on  puzzled foam with numbers and letters in the center. Lego pieces were scattered, puzzles, books, chairs, and stuffed or plastic balls with baskets.

Finally, a lady was standing in the counter looking at filed papers with Janine in front of her. Eric was looking around the place, but as for me. I was looking for someone that I can't seem to find.

"Jamie, can we see where you leave babies in?" Eric questioned.

"Of course. I'll guide you. Let me just set up the security system here so the kids could be safe." The lady smiled at us as he nodded.

"You're the only person here?" Janine questioned.

"No. My partner Isobel should be here in an hour. But it's still safe considering this place was made with high standard security system and when we hire anyone, they would have to deal with the strictness of our rule. The only people who's ever passed any of them would be me and Isobel due to our personal records and presentation." She explained.

"Oh so I'm guessing you both are great with kids?" I questioned.

"Well for me, I'm more great with being  in the counter and guiding new comers like yourselves. Socializing and handling children who aren't babies. That's why I was placed in this position and the reason for our schedule for handling babies and children.  But Isobel is more in that position for both children and babies, she usually handles afternoons till the end of the day. While I take morning shifts around 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or whenever Isobel comes or when all children's are picked up."

"What happens if both of you aren't here? Will you be closed by then?" Janine questioned.

"No, we have substitutes which is our boss's personal workers who works for him and his wife. Sometimes the wife comes in to help so the owners also work whenever Isobel and I are sick or off."

Eric nodded, "I see. Wow, when you mean strict. It's strict."

Jamie laughed, "of course. These are children and we were trusted to look after them, but here let's enter this room since you've already seen the children who are not babies go here. But as for babies.." She paused and walks towards the rainbow door with the cartoon design of a baby inside of the blanket with a bird carrying it.

She opened the door and turned on the lights to show baby cribs. Many of them. Toys are in cabinets with labels, sink, shower, refrigerated foods, toys, a couch, clothes, diapers, it was the whole package.

"Wow.. These are a lot of things.." Janine said in an awe and looked around even more.

"Yeah.. Everything is settled and Parents won't need to bring stuff in if they didn't want to or forgot them. We just handle them ourselves. The rooms are sound proof for them not to be disturbed when sleeping by the outside children, but you can hear them from the outside of this room plus baby monitors and cameras are always on 24/7 when babies are placed in the cribs. The purpose of our earpiece is to communicate with other workers, but also hear them when the baby monitor is no longer working."

"Owners must be very rich.." I muttered under my breath. 

"Yes they are. This store is actually scattered around the whole country with the same rules. They own a very big company and the husband, Mr. Zachary, is the CEO president and as for his wife, Mrs. Zachary, she's a lawyer, and lastly two of their children are doctors."

"Wow.. Who knew they're so hard working." Janine smiled.

"I wish I had that much money, but this job makes it come true." Jamie laughed and so did we.

"I bet. How much do they pay you?" Eric asked.

"For me, they pay $30 per hour I'm here and I also work as their maiden in the house. As for Isobel, they pay her the same amount, plus the tip from the wife since she loves spending time with her. I don't blame her, she's a very sweet and a kind person. I'm very sure this little guy will love her." She smiled and waved at Trevor while he laughed.

"Hmm. Is it possible if we could hire her as our babysitter? Like at home for a couple of weeks?" Janine questioned as she read her paper quickly.

"I'm not clearly sure about that one. No ones entirely asked that before. You'll have to ask Isobel if she's willing to be hired to babysit for a couple of weeks. I'll also have to ask our boss to see if someone will be able to fill in for her when she gives her answer. For how long are you planning to have her babysit your baby?" She questioned as she opened a little notebook with her pen out.

"Well I'll be going on a vacation with my husband for about three weeks? But I would love to interview Isobel to get to know her more personally before I ask her the question, but the choice I wanted was for her to stay at our house babysitting baby Trevor since no one will be home that often by the time we leave and only Kristoffer will be at home sometimes when there is no meeting with his work or anything. There are also two children at home with no guardian if Kristoffer isn't there."

"Well I'm positively sure Isobel would love to help if your situation is like that. She will be here in a couple of minutes since it's almost her time here so if you'd like, we could wait for her and you can interview her here?"

Janine nodded her head excitedly, "Yes of course! That would be wonderful!" She smiled.

Jamie nodded her head, "alright then. You may take a seat on the couch right there in the corner, help yourselves with any snacks or water. I'll be outside if you need anything else."

"Thank you so much Jamie. It's very nice to meet you." Janine smiled, reaching her hand out to her.

Jamie smiled back and shook her hand, "it's very nice to meet you all too. I hope everything goes well and you two enjoy your vacation."

"Thank you so much." Eric said as she nodded and left.

"Cool people. Kind too." I said.

"No kidding." Eric laughed.

I smiled and bit my inner lip. Hopefully now, I can see that girl. More clearer than before..

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