Chapter 75

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Isobel's POV

"Isobel! Are you done yet!" My mother yelled annoyingly loud from the top of her lungs.

I stared at her with my right eye just twitching every second, "I'm right in from you. There's no need to yell." I said in a calm and yet in a irritating manner.

She laughed, "I know. So are you?"

"I've been." I glared at her as she took my paper away, reading it thoroughly. It didn't take awhile till she took a red pen and decided to write things down while I sighed deeply, hating this moment.

"Here." She handed back my paper and as I looked at it, I was given a hundred out of a hundred for my exam test. "Congratulations honey! Ugh I'm so proud that I'm your teacher and mother." She pretended to wipe her imaginary tears from her face and looked at me proudly.

"I've taken this test for the hundredth time mom. You know how much I don't need these sorts of tests and action tests for when it comes to hunting." I said truthfully. "Ever since I've stopped to try to be normal for once, you're always on my shoulders holding me down from being happy with my own life."

She was taken back from what I said, but this was the only time I've ever told her that in a harsher way. I've always been saying the same thing, but it wasn't this harsh.

"You can never be normal. You've tried that once in middle school and then what happened?" She argued.

"Don't you dare bring that topic up again. You can't keep repeating that for a reason-"

"You injured someone. It's a good thing because of self-defense, but you went overboard."

"He deserved it for sexually harassing me."

"You couldn't come back to school because everyone feared you. You're the scary freak in their school who pushed a boy that flew across the hallway, smashing his head in the lockers and gave him a coma for a couple of months. His skull was cracked and almost died. You had to be homeschooled and no matter what, even now. You can't pretend to be normal."

"I know that. He survived, who cares. But sure, yeah. I can't pretend to be normal, but I also can't pretend to be happy. I'll do anything I can just as long as I'm happy. Even if that means I have to pretend to be normal."

My mom opened her mouth, but whatever she wanted to say was never said. She was disrupted by my alarm clock telling me that I have to work. I stood up from the kitchen table and grabbed my things before leaving, "I have to work now. Bye."

Going outside of my house never changed the way I felt. I took a deep breath and walked. Even outside, it seems free, but I could still feel suffocated. Gotta love my life and hopefully the kids could make my mood better.


I entered the store and looked around to see Jamie cleaning up the toys, "oh hey. Just leave the toys, I'll clean it." O smiled.

"Hi there Isobel. No it's fine, there's only a few more, but there's people waiting for you on the babies room. They wanna ask you things about babysitting for about three weeks in their house. They'll tell you everything you need to know, but once you're done text me okay?" She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh uh sure. Thank you for informing me that, be safe when you leave okay?" I smiled at her and she did the same, nodding.

I looked at the babies room and walked towards it. I opened the door and entered to see three people and a baby.

"Hi there, I'm Isobel. I was informed that you wanted to interview me for babysitting?" I said with a smile.

But they looked at me surprised and hadn't said any words. They were hair staring? It felt weird since I've never been looked at like that.

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