Chapter 21

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After Kristoffer and I stayed in his room for awhile, we decided to go downstairs. When we did, we met up with Eric and Steven talking. We looked at both of them as they looked at us, Steven already had an angry expression on his face.

"Hey sis, you slept good?" Eric asked standing up as he came to me and hugged me.

"I slept good, how was your sleeping?" I asked, hugging him back.

"I slept nice. The couch wasn't that bad." He chuckled.

"Good. I thought the couch felt uncomfortable for you, but I'm glad you slept nice." I chuckled

We had our laughs and I looked at Steven who didn't look at me. I looked at Kristoffer and he was looking at Eric. Eric seemed to catch his attention and I waited. I had a feeling that he was talking to him telepathically.

"Where's the rest?" Steven asked that all of us looked at him.

"Right, we had a meeting. We still do, our pack is meeting up with other packs. All of them left a little earlier before the three of you went down here. The four us have the house to ourselves, but as I heard.. The hunters were scattering around different packs who's allied with my parents pack. Different people went around the perimeters and who knows, more might probably come by here. We have to be prepared no matter what."

"Hunters? Why would hunters be going around to each pack like that for?" Kristoffer asked surprisingly.

"Are there any injuries? Deaths? Prisoners?" Steven asked along.

"Some werewolves were injured, no prisoners except some werewolves caught some hunters to ask questions, some hunters died, but from what my father said those hunters that were fighting were new to their clan. Looks like hunters were desperate and just took anyone in that wanted to join."


Listening to the conversation made me think, "they have a plan." I said.

"Plan? How do you know that?" Steven raised an eyebrow at me.

I gave him an obvious look that made his mouth turn into a shape of an o. "Look if they're that desperate to take in new in comers, then I'm pretty sure that's just half of their plan. The obvious part is sending out the weak ones to be put as distractions. Next time they ever attack, no one will even know, even if you could smell them."

"Well help us if you know the basics Huntress." Eric chuckled as I punched him in his arm.

"I don't need to be a Huntress to know the basics you dingwad. It's using common sense. It's like what you guys would do, except in a protective manner well some of you werewolves are like that and you're not weak, but instead of shifting its with guns and knives." I gave a laugh.

"Alright well what's there to know then? If their plan is obvious?" Eric said with a smile.

"If here is their next stop, they'll be coming in by night to blend in with the dark. Behind trees and aim their best to shoot for their enemy, some of us should keep eye up in branches. That's my favorite spot to get a clear view to shoot. The rest of the hunters well they'll surround the whole entire perimeter so you'd all have to scatter. We'll need back up from inside of the house and you're gonna use different guns, but same bullet and I just got the perfect type of bullet to use." I smiled and they all gave me a confused and a surprising look. No one said anything and just waited. It's funny to see them actually be surprised with me. Never really got that kind of reactions at all.

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