Chapter 71

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Steven's POV

Tonight we will be doing the ceremony burial for Jay. The others had been taken care of, even though they were our enemy, they played a good fight. We still had to respect them in a way I suppose. We didn't exactly know what happened or what was told to them in order to be in the battle, but what's done is done.

As much as it's too good to be true, many of us were injured in the process and is in recovery. But I didn't want to rest, I can handle the pain on my shoulder. Just not what's on my chest.

"Hey where's your mate?" Warren questioned.

"Oh I don't know. I haven't talked to her ever since the whole space thing." I said calmly.

"Did you reject her or something?" He asked surprised.

"Uh I don't know honestly. I wanna be with her sure, but I can't."

"Still hooked on Jay?"

I looked at him, "I honestly don't know."

He sighed and patted my shoulder, "well you did fall for her pretty hard. Everyone noticed that so I guess you gotta move on either way. But after how long did you wait for your mate?"

I felt my jaw tense up and said nothing.

"I'm just saying. You found someone who was willing to love you. But I understand that you have to clear things off in order to know what you want."

"I know. It seems like I'm being the asshole, but I just honestly don't know. sure I've always wanted to have a mate, but I can't right now. Hopefully in the future I'll be happy and settled."

Warren nodded at me and smiled with a approval. By then, I watched as the window was filled with fire. The room Kristoffer and Jay had kept during their time in this house. Eric and Kristoffer came out running out of the house as they looked up with tears in their eyes.

Not much of the kids could be here other than Angel. All that little girl could do was cry and wail. The rest was silent.

Each of us here was handed roses with different kinds of colors. While the fire was burning each of the wood and her body, they tossed them beside the house as the fire scattered. The roses was filled with our thoughts and hopefully she'll hear them when they burn and fly up in the sky.

When they finished, they would leave and go straight into the woods to find ourselves back into our old home.

Watching everything burn was satisfying. All of our memories was there, disappearing into the air. Black smoke, dark ashes. It was just how everything ended.

Now there was only me.

I was the last person to throw anything in, but I never said or thought of anything. Although, I did wish that she was happy. Wherever she is anyways.

I stared at the burning house for awhile. Debating whether or not I should say something to her. Would be it okay to tell her the truth? I bit my inner lip and sat down on the ground, not near the burning house. I kept my distance, but spoke out loud.

"I can't believe there was going to be a day where you'd officially leave us. It's been nice having you in our lives even though you were a complicated person to deal with." I chuckled and licked my dry lips.

"I wanted to thank you for everything by the way. The first time I met you well, I never really thought I'd be defending you from Alec. My mind said I shouldn't because you were a filthy huntress, but my heart felt that it was too unfair considering you were innocent and didn't do anything to my sister. But saving you from Alec, you also gave me some part of your background that made me want to get to know you even more. You also gave me a lot to learn about hunters and werewolves, but then again you were always so different. One of a kind to be exact."

I gulped down some of the words I've been wanting to express, but she was dead. What else could she do?

"I'm sorry if I forced myself onto you. Like I said, I wanted you to be mine. For me, even if you didn't feel comfortable, I was still gonna do it just so I can keep you. It was selfish of me not to care about how you felt or take you away from someone else who deserved you better than I do. But that was only because you were the first person I fell in love with without having fate decide that for me. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I love you. You weren't meant for me and I wasn't meant for you, but we clicked somehow. For the first time, I felt normal. I wasn't a werewolf, a beast who should be hunted by hunters. When it came to you, I was just normal."

I stood up from the ground, "I felt like I was only a human being who never turned into a werewolf. I was free from being who I actually was.. From all those times I've been with you, that's how you made me feel. But now, I have a mate who I don't feel happy with. I can feel that I don't love her, but the whole mate bond makes it harder for me to control. I want to find happiness. I wanna feel human just like I felt with you. But I can't. I don't feel that way towards her. I'm sorry if I hurt your friend. She's not right for me. I've never said this to anyone, not just yet, but I will be leaving this pack to live a normal life as a human.. Or try to live like a human. All these times, I've only realized this because of you. Thank you for that. You'll always be my first love. Even if I'm not completely yours.."

The heavy weight on my chest had finally settled down. Having to hear those words come out of my mouth made me surprised. For once in my life I was honest to myself. To her. I'm happy with knowing what I want to do.

I smiled and walked away. Not turning my back even once. I heard the house fall, but I was glad I told her everything I've been dying to say. I have to be strong for her and for me.

Thank you Jay for everything.

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