Chapter 69

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- Next Day Morning -

Eric's POV

Morning had finally risen today and were still outside.. We just haven't exactly moved anywhere. Kristoffer was still here, hugging Jay in place. We tried talking him out of it, but he doesn't want anyone else touching her.

"We should have a burial." I said almost in a whisper, "that goes for the other hunters whose died."

"Should we dig some graves then?" Alec questioned.

"For the hunters yes. But for Jay, we should have our proper and traditional burial.."

"It would be painful to see her ashes fly if we burn her.." Mason whispered.

"At least she'll be peaceful and free." I heard Steven say calmly. "She'll enjoy that rather than letting her rot in the dirt."

"Steven." Joey had said in a warning. I looked at him and gave a half smile, "Alpha Eric, I've communicated with Christian, Eli, and that one rude werewolf they have. They won't be able to make it back here at all. They're not sure when they'll return either, but they left during battle because of some emergency. More important than this I suppose.." He looked down straight towards Kristoffer and Jay, but never said anything else.

"Those bastards. I knew they won't last long enough being here. At least now they have nothing to worry about. They make me sick.." Steven said so bitterly.

I sighed, "just get to work. If they don't wanna come, let them be. They weren't really family anyways." I walked towards Kristoffer and touched his shoulder that made him flinch.

"Leave me alone with her. I wanna stay here.. I want her.." He said softly, sniffling with more tears falling and staining Jay's shirt.

"I know. But if you'd like, you could take her inside of the house.. Somewhere less cold and comfy okay?"

I could see his face turn a bit that I could only see the corner of his eyes. He never responded, but he did stand up with Jay in his arms. When he walked away to go straight towards our house, Jay's pale arm was hanging lifelessly in the air and her face was hanging back where it faces up in the sky.

A tear fell down my left eye and I looked away, looking for other bodies to focus on and distract myself by digging up dirt from the ground in my werewolf form. The others never said a thing. It was all just silence. Even the wind itself was still..

Kristoffer's POV

I walked upstairs to where our room use to be. Jay's and I. I opened the door to see it so packed with things, but at the same time.. It felt empty.

I walked in and went straight to bed where I laid her gently. I stood there for awhile analyzing her pale cold face that were once so warm and colored. Her lively rosy pink lips that I've kissed through happy days had gone dry, and the body I've held and touched so much had just gone so skinny..

The soul she's connected with mine had faded away, slipping through my fingers.

My heart ached, looking at her made me remember all our memories together. It's painful.. Having memories of her was my happiness. But remembering it while she's in front of me, dead. It's painful.

"What did you do.?" I questioned her. I sat next to the edge of the bed with her as I held her cheeks with my face almost close to hers.

"I remembered how I died.. How am I alive? How are you dead.?" More tears fell from my face, for I was filled with despair.

I felt frustrated. I stood up and looked at her, "why Jay! What did you do!" I yelled. Not one flinch or any response was given.. "I love you.. Why did you leave.? What did you do to me! To you!! Do you know how many people you've hurt!? More than once! You've hurt all of us more than once! You've left more than once! But you were suppose to come back! You're a hybrid for goodness sake, you're not suppose to die!!"

I couldn't stop my emotions from acting up. I was curious either way, I wanted to know. But I was breathless at the moment because of my anger.

"Why? Why couldn't you see how much you meant to us. You're so.." I paused and hesitated, but I had to say it. "Selfish. You're a selfish person.. People died protecting you. I died protecting you! So did Hunter..  We're we not good enough? Is that it? GOD DAMMIT JAY! YOU PROMISED YOU'D STAY WITH YOUR FAMILY AND PROTECT US!"

My anger boiled up again and I couldn't control it. I looked at the wall and punched my fist right through it. I was angry, numb, and broken.. Just. Why.?

"Daddy.?" A tiny voice had echoed the room and I turned to see Angel..

I blinked at her sadly and took my hand out of the wall. I turned my body to face her as she quietly walks in. She looks at me and then the bed to see Jay. She looked at me once again before the corner of her lips began to turn down and pouts with her eyes watering.

She runs towards Jay and hold her face and traveled down her arm, "mommy.. Mommy it's me Angel. You told me you'd be okay. Why are you sleeping now.?"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my face with free hand that was all that bloody.. Angel started crying that made me hurt even more. I went close to Angel and pulled her close to me while she kept trying to push me away. A tantrum she created, screaming, yelling, and hitting had been made.

Telling her comforting words never helped either. "I'm sorry Angel.. Daddy wasn't able to protect mommy.. I'm sorry. I'm soo sorry."

She didn't reply, but just kept wailing through my shirt and neck. I rubbed her back and tried soothing her till she stopped.

I guess she's had it worse than us. She's known her longer and even as her mother..


Angel and I had been in this room ever since this morning. Even though my body ached, I still wanted to watch over my own mate. It's funny how I start watching over her now when before, I didn't.

Angel was peacefully sleeping next to Jay's body. She's not on her, but only next to her with her hands intertwined with hers. I smiled with how much she cared, but it hurt.

I can't think right now anymore. My brain hurts from everything that all I want to do was rest..

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