Chapter 72

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- 2 years later -

Kristoffer's POV

The alarm clock had gone off loudly in my ears. It's been way too long, but it's good to be alive. Every time in the morning, it's always another day. Nice sunlight, fresh air, and a new day. It always makes me feel old though.. My age number is going up and that's never a good thing. It can be, but it's still going up. 

I sat up from my comfy bed and stretched, feeling my body relax. I got off the bed even though I don't wanna be separated from it, I just have to prepare myself before I pick up Dean and Angel from school. It's actually been a nice life.

I decided to prepare myself while I still could or else Angel might lecture me even more for being on time..

As I prepare myself. Things have obviously changed. Time changed, people change, and many more.

We ended up moving somewhere far. Another state, but still lived in the woods, but a lot more closer towards the roads near people. People around here doesn't find it weird, but they usually are attracted to our place. It's funny to know what people say and how they think, they usually see us as some rich people for having a mansion, when really it was self made by all of us. Other packs has also helped out and some of the other packs were recent allies. We've never had so many allies and all of us now has been in good hands.

Other than that, life has been good. Dean has finally been able to move on and has been training really hard and both Angel had been one of the top students in school. I'm very proud of them and they're all still the same, still kids, but mature minded. As for Alec and Sofia, she is actually a few weeks pregnant. Everyone was so happy for them was actually celebrated at our place.

Eric and Janine finally had their family. They had a baby boy named Trevor, he's quite a very silent baby. Steven, well he left and decided to live somewhere without saying where in order to find a new life. He's actually visiting tonight with his new fiancé that he had met, we're all happy for him. As for his ex mate, the rest of the hunters had actually gone off far away from their hunting life to live a normal one. So far, we've been in contact and it turned out, they've all actually created their own business. It's a hit and they're having the best time in their life.

And the rest are still the same. Well, the betas has found their mates and ever since that it's all lovey dovey around this place. It's actually funny during most times, but it could get annoying?

"Morning Alpha, you're gonna pick up Angel?" Mason had asked.

I nodded, "of course. If I don't, I'm gonna get the cold shoulder again."

"She's a one sassy child Kris. How do you live with that?" He chuckled while eating an apple.

"Not sure, but I manage." I winked, "well I'm gonna go alright? Save me some good food."

"Got it!"

I smiled at him and ran out the door. It's been getting hot around this place. I'd rather have a warm climate rather than hot. It's too much to more sometimes with the sun hitting your own skin. But the plants do look more lively this way.

"Hi Kristoffer." Dole flirtatious voice had appeared.

I looked at one of the ladies who would take a run around these perimeters. All the looks I've given were plain and bored. I never really cared much for flirtatious women, they're not really my type and clearly a waste of my time.

Speaking of waisting my time, my watch had beeped meaning there were only five minutes left before I could even make it to Angel and Deans school.

Cursing under my breath, I decided to jog until I reached the nearby cafe. By the time I reach that, I'll be able to meet both of them waiting just near some babysitting daycare and an ice cream place.


Finally reaching my destination. I looked around to check for Dean or Angel to see if they're both around. But I find no one just yet.

'I'm actually early?' I thought to myself.

There was nothing to do other than wait for anyone to appear and so I decided to take an empty chair and sat while I waited. I even thought of getting them ice cream when they finally just got the fun of it.

As a way for me to distract myself, I just took out my phone and played random games to be entertained. While I did, I heard some door opening with bells ringing loudly.

"Isobel, come on. When are you planning to talk to auntie Freya and uncle Matt?" I heard a woman speak near me.

"When I feel like I need to." Another woman spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows together with having to hear such a familiar voice.

"It's been three weeks. You have to-"

"What's the point Michelle? I'm done with college already and I don't want to go to college again to learn how to hunt. I know how to, more than they do. Why do they expect me to learn things I already know." The woman, Isobel I presume had argued.

"Bel. It's just to keep you in training. You just have to participate and it's free. You even get to learn new things." The other woman, Michelle spoke so calmly and yet helpless while the other, Isobel, spoke in annoyance.

"I'm done with school Mich. I am honestly fed up."

"Try once. To see if you like it."

"Look. I've finished elementary school all the way through college. I've focused on graphic designs for 4 years during my college years and that's it. I'm done. I don't wanna train or learn anymore hunting expertise. School was a just a chore that I checked off my list. I have a job and I wanna do the things I want and what makes me happy. Not what they want."

I heard the other girl sigh in surrender, "fine. Be that way. But auntie Freya and uncle Matt will hear that from you."

"Ugh fine fine. Now get out of here I have parents who are waiting for their kids."

They said their good byes as I watched as that Michelle person had walked pass by me. She had a very short curly red hair that shined bright in the sun and a very fit person. She wore things that was made for clubs?

A lot of chattering was then made as people walked passed me with children's on their arms and some are even held or was just hanging on their mothers chest with those supporters. They were very adorable children. One boy with blonde hair and green eyes had caught my attention and waved at me with a soft smile.

I waved back to him with a gentle smile as he fastened his pace to reach his mother and father. While they crossed, the last bell jingle through the doors.

The wind blew a lot that made rustled noises that came from the tree which was filled with orange and yellow leaves, but one was a perfect green.

I watched it closely as it fell, but as soon as it landed on the floor, a hand then reached for it. A small figure appeared. She had a long light brown hair that reached her waist and shined through the sun ray as her back was facing me. I eyed the figure up and down not knowing who it was, but her face slightly looked over her right shoulder, showing half of her face.

A glimpse of that image I had remembered from what the Moon Goddess has shown me before. I stood up and was about to walk closely towards the woman, but was only stopped by Dean and Angel.

"Daddy!" Angel yelled as she jumped passed that girl and gave me a huge hug.

I looked at her and gave a quick smile before giving her a hug back. Dean also gave me an inviting hug, but before I could look back at that woman, she was gone.

The only thing left was that perfect green leaf that flew towards me. With a perfect catch, I wanted to know who she was.

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