Chapter 24

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Jay's POV

We all went down to the old basement that still looked new. It's been so many years or maybe even longer since this house was still standing up and I've gotta say. It never failed to always look new.

"Does the Alpha ever keep prisoners here?" Levi questioned.

"He has, but the prisoners he's kept were never sentenced to death. If it was death then he would've done it outside, but for prisoners? It's only for rogues. Unless they're going straight to death." Eric answered as Levi gave a whistle.

I chuckled and looked at the three bodies awake, eyes being blocked by the blind fold, their hands, feet, and even their upper body was tied up.

When the boys said they tied them up pretty tight, they weren't kidding..

"Congrats captains." I chuckled as new in comers tried looking at our direction.

"Who's there!" The dirty blonde yelled, "LEVI! GET US OUT OF HERE!"

"Why should I Zach?" Levi answered as he narrowed his eyes towards him.

"Wha- the hunters told us to be together as a team! How could you betray your own kind!" The boy with a quiff haircut yelled as he struggled with the ropes.

"It's different. You know nothing about the two sides or who and what you're fighting against with Kevin. How are you sure you're fighting on the right side and going on the right path?" He questioned as the three was silent.

"See. You don't know. How are you sure they're not using every hunter as a tool. You're fighting for nothing if the person telling you lies only sees you as a useless shield. Your death will be nothing."

"That's enough Levi. It's best if you and the others rest, we'll take care of this and tomorrow we'll fill you in. You and the others can join in if you'd like?" I questioned, looking at Levi as he gave me a small nod.

"Thank you Jay.." He whispered and hugged me before he told the rest to go upstairs after a long night of traveling.

I gave a small smile as Steven kissed Emma on the cheek good night and watched them leave. When they were fully gone, he nodded for us to keep continuing our job.

My attention was back again to the new in comers.

"So what have I missed during the hunter meetings?" I questioned as I took off their blind folds.

They looked around trying to get their focus back, but their eyes landed on me.

"You. You looked familiar?" Leo said silently as he studied me.

"You couldn't see me outside? Was it that dark?" I chuckled, but he was still studying me.

"Isabel? You're Isabel!" He said loudly as the two caught up with him.

"Isabel?" Kristoffer asked almost jokingly.

'I guess that's the name I used when I was with them.' I said in a mind-linked.

'What are you? A con artist?'

'Oh be quiet.' I gave a small smile, but I put my attention back to the three.

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