Chapter 19

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Jay's POV

I've spent my whole entire night with my brother Eric and Kristoffer. The sun was starting to rise and I've never been tired and sore, but still wide awake. The bad thing about being awake all this time was missing my dinner. The laughter filled my stomach instead of what I needed most, the beautiful and mouth watering food that had no room left into my enchanting stomach.. That's the only thing I disliked through the night.

"Wait wait, show me your eyes again!" Eric said excitedly.

I groaned and Kristoffer laughed, "I'm not some toy you can push all the time for my eyes to keep popping into my damn creepy colors."

"Come on! PLEASSSEEEEE!" He yelled as I threw a pillow, but he still pouted.

"Finneeee." I whined. I looked into his eyes and changed the color of them, bringing my inner wolf out. I kept my eyes the way they were in case Eric kept asking.

"Your eyes are so cool... So half legacy and half werewolf huh?"

"Yes Eric. For the 100th time you've asked. YES." I looked at Kristoffer, "kill me."

He glared at me, "don't say that."

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. He's just grrr!" I hit Eric again with the pillow expect harder now.

"Ow.. The pillows hard.."

"Stop it you baby. I'm suppose to be resting and all you've done was kept me up all night asking about my eyes. I'm starting to regret being born."

"I'm lucky you were. That our paths crossed too." Kristoffer mumbled, but Eric looked him.

"What?" Kristoffer looked at him and played dumb. My brother seemed skeptical and still kept looking at him.

"Nothing important." I kept my smile hidden by biting my inner lip to prevent me from smiling.

Eric looked between Kristoffer and I. I avoided my gaze and looked else where while Kristoffer was trying very hard to look normal, but failed to. He cleared his throat as my brothers eyes kept staring at him without a blink, it was very intense in Kristoffer's situation, but I have no saying in this.

"I'm sensing something here.. You- Jay?"

"Hm?" I responded still avoiding gazes.

"Since you're a werewolf, is Steven your mate?" He asked slowly with a smirk.

"Why are you asking.?"

"You're a werewolf and well, Steven told us you were his mate? So are you?" He crossed his arms, "and. Tell the truth."

"No he isn't." I mumbled.

"Is he.?" He questioned, pointing at Kristoffer.

I was silent for awhile, but I looked at Kristoffer. He twitched and gave a small nod that can't be noticeable. I decided to nod my head as he sighed, "have you told him?"

"No.. Not yet, but I'm planning to. I don't want to hurt him though, I mean I do love him, but my attraction fell on him. I knew him more than I knew Steven, weird as it sounds, but it's the truth.. I know I can't love both, but I was made for Kristoffer.. It's unfair for Steven to love someone who isn't his mate and I know he'll find her when the time is right."

"I guess that's true.. That might take awhile though." He laid at the end of my bed as his back laid on my legs while his head rested on my thighs. He was a tall guy and the bed was small and was good for my height, just not him nor Kristoffer.

"How so?" I tilted my head to the side as I looked down on him.

"He loves you. All of us knows that, but you breaking up with him? Bad choice. He's got you and I don't think he'll ever let you go."

"He has no choice. She's my mate." Kristoffer growled, but I held his hand as he relaxed, but still felt tensed.

"I get that Kris, but Steven had her first. He's told me a lot already, but he can't just let her go. It'd be too difficult for him, even if I tell him to. He'll just get angry."

Kristoffer scoffed, "Ric. He has no choice, but to accept it. He's a werewolf who knows all laws. I've imprinted on her on the day we met and destiny or fate and all that proved that she's suppose to be mine. My mate who is the future Luna."

"Yes Alpha, we all know that, but still. You may love her, but don't forget. He risked his and his future mates life for him to chose Jay over his own mate who is somewhere around the world. You're not the only one here who's sacrificed something because you fell in love with someone."

They were both right.. I didn't wanna take sides because both seemed reasonable. I know what to do, but it won't be easy getting out. The bad thing is, I'm new from everything. I wasn't taught on how to love and to hurt someone emotionally.. I have no reason to lie, but I also have no reason to be blunt. If only things were easy and not complicated..

"Crazy how we didn't sleep." Eric yawned.

"Yup, but it's our fault because we didn't let her sleep. She had to rest.." Kristoffer tugged on my arm. I looked at him and he patted on his shoulder.

I gave him a smile and laid my head right onto his shoulder, feeling comfortable. I stared off into space and found myself dozing off. I wasn't tired earlier, but the more I got comfortable, the more I actually did get tired. I yawned for the first time that we've been awake, I heard a chuckle, but I kept laying on him.

Eric was still laying on my lap, I wasn't sure if he also slept, but I know I was falling sleepier and sleepier. I tried keeping my eyes open, but every time I blinked, it just kept getting closer to sleep. Kristoffer's heart beat, I can hear clearly. Funny how much my whole being changed from being a huntress to a half legacy and werewolf.

I sighed and kept my head on his shoulder that still made me hear his heart beat that was beating normal, but it was like a lullaby to my ears. Knowing he was comfortable and his heart wasn't beating as fast because of stress or anything. Just the calmness made me feel happy.

But it all stopped when I closed my eyes and began hearing his thoughts.

'She's falling asleep in my arms! Why can't it be like this everyday? Without Steven though, this is a bad way to sleep.. Eh she's my mate. Nothing wrong with this?... Hm. Eric's fine if I push him right? No harm in that? He can sleep on the couch and I can sleep with her? Yeah! Let's do it!' I smiled a bit, but mainly holding in a laugh.

I felt Eric was slowly getting rolled over away from my legs and then a thud noise happened.

"What the hell Kris?" I heard Eric say lazily.

"Shhh sleeping. Go to the couch." He whispered and I didn't hear Eric reply, but I heard his feet creaking away from the wooden floor and went towards my couch, hearing the couch springs sound go as he laid down.

It was silent again, but I felt Kristoffer's hands half carry me to move me down and lay me properly. He pulled the covers on us and stayed beside me. When he did, he began to snake his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I inhaled his scent that made me feel safer than ever.

"Goodnight my dear mate.." He whispered and kisses my forehead.

At that moment, an image of Steven appeared as he did the same thing that one night... This is when I knew..

This was all wrong..

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