Chapter 57

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Steven's POV

I was sitting down next to Angel and kept my eyes open. I was honestly pretty tired for the time being spent doing nothing. Angel on the other hand seemed to be doing well, almost healed to be exact. I never really did get to know Angel as much. Other than being wise, I wondered what else she could be?

Having Jay to raise her as her own, I just really wondered if she picked up more of who Jay is. Like her hobbies, likings, wants or anything. I just wanna know-

I looked up to see all of the lights powered down. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up as the door swung open.

"Hey what's up with the lights?" Noah questioned as he came in panting.

"I um I don't know? Does this happen on a daily?" I questioned.

"HELP!" A voice called out down the hall.

Noah and I walked out to see a man hovering over a little boy.

"Hey! Let go of Dean!" Noah yelled and charged towards him, but the stranger easily threw him towards the wall.

I stood still on the ground like I was glued.. I didn't know what to do at this point. But this person, he looked at me and grabbed Dean as he quickly ran out of the house through the window. I ran towards Noah to make sure he was okay.

"Hey, hey sorry.. I.. I didn't know what to do. We have to go get Dean. Hunter will be furious.." I whispered.

"I'll get into that.. I'll warn the others and Hunter. You check if Angel's okay and keep her safe." He said as he stood up.

I nodded my head hesitantly and went to check if Angel was okay, but found her bed emptied..

"Uh Noah.. We have a problem.." I whispered.

Noah's footsteps came rushing in and looked inside the room. He looked at me with worry and we knew how we'd end up if Jay found out.

"We have to go.. Now." He said as he ran off to warn the others.

I went downstairs to find Jay to see if she even got home? I was confused whether or not she ever found Kristoffer also. Which worried me on how things are going.. Not only that, but the fact there's a maniac on a loose that stole two kids already!

"Ahhh shit where.. Where.." I muttered and quicken my paced. I went to the kitchen and saw another unknown man sniffing around.

"Who are you." I questioned and he turned around with a smile.

"Ah hi, this is sort of awkward, but I'm John." He nervously chuckled as I looked confused at him.

"And I'm Christian." Another male voice had talked to me from behind. I turned around to find another guy with Jay in his arms.

"Jay." I said and rushed into her while I felt myself become defensive when I held her into my arms.

"Steven.." She said weakly in a whisper.

I looked down at her and then at them with a growl. She was weak and I have no clue what just happened to her.. Her neck was patched up and I wasn't even sure what to ask with so many things happening..

"Don't try having your eyes changing into your wolf. You won't know who you're up against with kid, we're older than you." Christian had said with a chuckle.

"Look kid. That is Jay's half-uncle, a Legacy Hunter. Me? A family friend, werewolf to be exact so don't bother picking a fight." John said with an apple in his mouth.

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