Chapter 66

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Hiya guys! Sorry for the slow updates and all. I've been busy with school and applying to college and all those hoopla, but I hope you enjoy it! :)


Jay's POV

I've finally told Dean the truth. By the mean time, he's here beside me and cried himself to sleep. It was only him, Angel, and I who were in the room. Kristoffer is downstairs washing dishes from what he gave to Dean earlier. I felt hurt for the fact this war had taken his older brother away from him. It didn't matter how, but to me he was a hero for saving someone else. That's something I did manage to explain to Dean also.

I looked down at him and kept brushing his hair away and knowing how it felt to lose someone at such a young age. It was never easy, but hopefully Eric can teach him something good..

"Hey." A voice entered my room, but I didn't look or talked to him.

Footsteps came closer and I still focused on Dean who snored quietly.

"Do you mind explaining why can't talk to me or even look at me.?" He questioned.

I stopped brushing Deans hair and narrowed my eyes for a split moment and turned around to face him.

"Wanna talk about it outside?" I asked and he nodded.

By then I got up and paced a blanket on top of him while I carried Angel who was sitting asleep on the floor and transferred her next to him so that Dean can have someone beside him when he wakes up. I kissed both of their foreheads before having to leave outside.


"So what were your questions?" I asked and walked down the stairs.

"Why you haven't bothered talking to me or seeing me after I came back from being kidnapped.."

"Because I wasn't suppose to. Eric decided it was best not to see you for awhile before the war started in order for me to focus."

"Was I ever a distraction to you?"

I shook my head, "never. But it's what you're going to have to get use to it."

His footsteps stopped moving forward and I looked at him.

"What do you mean?? You're my mate how am I gonna get use to not seeing or talking to you??"

I gave no answer.

He just stared at me for a moment of time with his eyes full of pain, "is it because of how you suddenly turned into something else earlier.?"

I scoffed, "only if it were easy to transform then that would've happened earlier. But no."

"Then what is it??" He asked in annoyance.

"I'm sorry." I simply said while he looked at me filled with frustration.

"I don't get you! You know I never bothered asking if you even looked for me while I was gone. You never even asked if I was fine! Or if you worried so much or anything! I feel like I don't even matter to you by the slightest. What am I even to you??"

I felt my heart growing heavy for this is something I can't even tell him. I gulped down the words I wanted to say and changed them before speaking..

"You matter a lot to me. I was held in the room, but I asked Eric for others to search for you. So far no one managed to find you. Except for Hunter who getting closer and closer to find until you actually came here with Jacob. Other than that you're my mate, but there's far more things for me to worry about that causes other people's lives. I'm sorry if you think I don't care about you and if I'm not telling you things you want to hear, but I can't tell you them. I honestly can't."

"Why the hell not? You can't even look me at me right now! You never even explained why you were transforming into one of us and-"

"You're too stubborn to listen to what I just said. I told you I can't. I can't tell you why I was transforming earlier, I can't answer your questions, and I most definitely can't do anything about them." I said and looked at him straight into his eyes, "if I wanted to tell you then I would've done it by now. But this is something you're going to learn. So I'm sorry. But I.."

I sucked in some air through my nose in order to breathe the little words for me to say.

"Just leave me alone for now. You'll understand everything when you see it. But you can't just ask me and expect me to tell you. I'm sorry."

With those sudden words I brought out. Tears fell one by one and I went outside to get some fresh air. I've only stepped to where the ground was and I already heard someone whimpering. I looked around to the side and followed where it was and saw Eric on the floor with bloody hands.

I rushed over to him and took his hands, "Eric what hell are you thinking." I said bitterly and wiped his hands into my shirt to see it's been healed.

I sighed and kissed his knuckles, "don't you ever do these things that can hurt you.."

He just kept looked at the ground and suddenly pulls me in for a hug, "please don't go.."

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "I won't go anywhere Eric??"

"Don't go..." his voice was breaking as I felt more tears on my chest and his hands gripping onto the back of my skin.

"I won't."

"Just stay here with me okay? Just here beside me.." He whispered with a shaky tone.

I rested my chin onto his head and smiled with my tears starting to fall again except continuously.

"I'll stay here beside you. Don't worry.. I won't ever leave you. I promise." I whispered back and I kissed his head.

His hugged tightened that it was making me suffocate, but it was fine. I loved his hugs even if they weren't happy.

But don't worry.

I'll be right here for you.

No matter where I am.

I'll be here for all of you.

I'm staying.

Because I love all of you.

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