Chapter 8

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Eric's POV

Everyone is all silent and I stared at the tension that Jay, Steven, and even Pia were giving. No one knew exactly what happened, but we know that Jay was blushing, Steven looks embarrassed, and Pia well, she's Pia, she's a very laughable person. So easily entertained.

"Steven, come here. Sit here and you two." I pointed at both Pia and Jay, "sit here."

I pulled the two free seats and watched them sit. Pia became quiet and was more nervous now while Steven was giving death glares at Pia.

I nodded at the rest for them to leave us some privacy and they obeyed. After the rest left, I looked at the three kids.

"What happened? Why are you three all weird?" I questioned crossing my arms.

"What do you mean?" Pia asked innocently.

"What I mean is, why is my little sister red and shy, you holding in some laugh and making evil expressions by smirking, and Steven here sending death glares at you."

"SHE SLAPPED ME!" Steven yelled and pointed at her.

Pia and Steven began to argue. It was very amusing, loud, but amusing. I listened to them bicker at one another. I couldn't entirely pick out what they're saying, but as soon as I was gonna tell them to stop.

Jay started to yell at them. "HEY!"

Both of the siblings stopped arguing and looked at Jay, but they still have some sassy expression.

"I saw Steven naked by accident and I called him huge and a lot happened afterwards. That's why I'm red.." She confessed and began fiddling around with her fingers.

I stared at her for a second feeling a bit shocked. I didn't like that at all, I didn't know the full story, but still. Why did that have to actually happened?

"You did what?" I asked looking at her.

"And I slapped him and said 'you naked bastard.' You are welcome!" Pia cheered.

Steven rolled his eyes and his cheeks were slightly red, "I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Jay it's fine, it was an accident, but don't say those okay?"

Jay nodded, "don't worry, but I didn't know how to react because that was the uh.. First time I've seen anyone be naked."

"Really?" Both Pia and I said surprisingly.

"Um well yeah? I've been hunting and I never had any company-"

"Are you a virgin?" Pia suddenly blurted out.

Jay snapped her attention at Pia and all of us looked back at her then at Jay, actually being curious.

Today was a very random day, but at the same time it was THE most interesting one. As much as she's my little sister, I care about her very deeply.

She nodded her head hesitantly. Everyone was silently surprised, so was I. In my defense it has been a long time and I wasn't sure if she was living a good life or a bad one.. Or not living at all.

"Don't worry Jay, I'm with you on that one." Steven agreed.

Our attention was on him now. What is even happening? This is all too crazy, I don't even know what to say or even handle this situation.

"Okay stop, I don't like this conversation. Jay, don't say someone is huge to any guys. You have to be careful, if not then I'm ripping the next guy who you see being naked somewhere and talks to you. Him. I can't touch, as much as I want to, but I can't because he's my best friend. Unless he makes a move on you then I have something to say about that." I warned and everyone nodded their heads.

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