Chapter 86

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Jensen's POV

- Moments earlier-

I stayed inside of the room with Isobel while the rest was kicked out. I was a bit surprised, but at the same time she was probably curious with this whole pregnancy thing. Without paying attention or a warning, she grabbed on my collar and pulled me close to her. "I can't take it. They wanna come out." She whispered.

"What?" I questioned as she pushed me back and limped on the bed clutching on her stomach as her breath got heavier.

"Take them out please.. They wanna get out." She cried very hard and I furrowed my eyebrows together. I quicker fast walked and sat next to her while I laid my hand on her stomach to feel kicking. I jerked my hand away and stood up while I watched her stomach closely as they grew bigger.

My eyes widened, "they're growing fast inside you.. Uh okay." I quickly went to my bag and looked for more information on how to handle this. "Okay um give me a second." I added and found another book and flipped through the pages. I skimmed every word and understood them right away before proceeding to act in this very situation. "Okay Isobel, you're gonna have to give birth when it reaches the 9 months of normal pregnancy. Since your baby is growing fast, you'll have to wait until it wants to get out okay? Just breathe."

She nodded and breathed in and out slowly. But the way her stomach kept growing and stopping, it keeps bringing her pain. She tries to stay silent, but it doesn't seem to work that way, it was silent while it last, but the stomach size seemed to be a size of a watermelon while I waited till it was time. It wasn't for a minute more until she gripped on the sheets and screamed even louder than usual.

"Isobel, since I'm the only person who can help you give birth to this child, I'm gonna have to see how many centimeters you are till you're fine to give birth okay?" I looked at her and she seemed to hesitate and probably felt uncomfortable that made her take awhile to respond, "Isobel please we don't have that much time. I have to see how far you are."

She inhaled quickly and nodded as I took off her bottom clothing. She closed her legs tightly, "I promise you can trust me. You'll be okay." I reassure her and she bit her bottom lip as she opened her legs. I looked at it and it seemed as though she was ready. "You're ready to give birth. Just inhale and exhale for me okay?"

"Okay.." She whispered, her sweaty body and face made me feel pity for her. She was in so much pain that I didn't even wanna look at her face. She kept screaming and her voice was filled with suffering, but at the same time, I already saw the head of the baby coming out.

"Okay good job Isobel, you have to push more okay? Breathe in and push." I advised and she did just that. The way she pushed was strong that it went out smoothly, she didn't stop to push it was just an inhale and it gave a great push for the baby. "You did it.. You have a boy." I whispered as I grabbed a blanket for the baby boy who already opened his eyes. They glistened into this very light silver. It was beautiful.

"Jensen.. Another one.." she breathed. I squinted my eyes towards her, "Okay. Let me just wrap this little guy on me." I quickly took action and wrapped the blanket around my body that carried him still as I prepared myself for another baby.

She pushed, but the second baby's head was the only one that came out. She's only pushed twice, but her body seemed to get weaker that made me shake my head, "no no Isobel keep pushing come on. You can do this."

"I can't.." She said with a cracked voice, "it's too much. I can't." She cried as she covered her face and I stood up, "you can do this. Look. He came out smoothly, come on do it for him. He can't lose his sibling now let's go. Breathe in and push come on you can do this."

She breathed in many times and pushed while she screamed, "that's it. You can do it." I cheered as the baby's head was slowing going out. She waited for a second and then pushed harder this time and it actually went out a lot more easier. I quickly took the baby to see it was a girl, she began to cry for a bit before opening her eyes and then I saw those intense golden eyes. She was beautiful.

I took another blanket and then wrapped her around it. I then went close to Isobel and gave her the two beautiful children she has, "you have a baby boy and a baby girl. Congratulations Isobel. You did amazing." I smiled, "let me heal you now okay?" I added while she gave a weak smile and cuddled with two of her babies.

I laid my hand on her stomach and slowly my hands glowed. I waited for awhile till she was feeling a lot more better. When everything  as healed and calm, she fell asleep peacefully while both of her babies, who are next to each other with their mothers arm embracing them, were both awake with both of their eyes still striking me into a trance. I was exhausted as if most of my powers was drained out of me during the healing session.

I decided to go outside to share the news. Opening the door, I was zoning out and before I knew it, I was pinned on the wall by Kristoffer and his anger expression, "what the hell did you do!"

"Nothing! I helped out!" I defended myself and pushed off Kristoffer, "your kids are waiting for you inside. Isobel is resting."

Kristoffer's breath froze and so did his whole body. "Kids?" Eric said surprised as I nodded slowly and exhaled slowly.

"Twins.." I said softly while they entered the room quietly with my following behind. I decided to sit on the ground and felt dizzy. "Please don't make any noises. They're all going to be resting. So will I.." I whispered and closed my eyes.

I hope they're all happy.

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