Chapter 12

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Jay's POV

We all finished eating, I've gotta say.. We did such a good job cooking it. Everyone loved our food, even the Gray Eclipse Pack. I was happy even after the incident, it still was a good night. To my surprise, it was still early. Still around 10 something.

We all stood up and the boys helped cleaned the dishes.

"Alright, well you all must be tired from the trip. You all can rest upstairs, pick whichever rooms you'd like, except for the ones that has a sign because that's our room. The ones that are blank are free." Eric announced.

They all thanked him for the rooms and for the meal. All of them took their bags and went upstairs while the Alpha stayed downstairs talking to Eric.

"We're all not that tired yet. The trip was long, but all of us are still good to be out." He smiled.

"Oh really? That's good then, we did some back up plan in case you all weren't tired."

"That is?"

"We go outside, we'll turn on our lights and we can do a fight off?"

Alpha Kristoffer nodded, "that sounds good. Let's do it."

Eric had a huge smile and told us to be outside. I looked at Steven and we went along. We didn't wait that long outside, but everyone caught up. Janine and Sophia turned on the lights, it was beautiful out and the light was bright enough for us to see our surroundings so clearly.

"Alright boys and girls. We're gonna do a fight off. Tap out if you give up or get injured at some point. No rules, no competitions or anything, this is just for fun alright?"

Everyone nodded their heads excitedly and began picking people to begin the fight off. First one to ever do a fight off was Derek and this person, probably one of Alpha Kristoffer's guards. The fight was brutal already. The punches were hard, Derek's lips bled and swollen, while the other person was bleeding on the other side of his forehead. Next thing you knew Derek won after pinning him down.

"Go Derek." I chuckled.

"He's of our best trainers, of course he'd win." Steven said looking at Derek.

"Yeah, that's true."

The fight was going so well and I've gotta say, there were a lot of good fighters in both packs. Half of everyone had gone and some were beaten up badly. Some just kept fighting till they couldn't take a single step or couldn't move.

"Next up Steven and Noah." Eric said as he looked pass me.

Hearing his name made me feel worried. Steven and Noah never got along that quickly today because of earlier. I saw Noah give an evil smirk, that made me look up at Steven, gripping onto his hand.

"I'll be fine baby." He whispered and pecked me on the lips.

I sighed and nodded my head, "please be careful.."

He gave me a comforting smile and nodded before walking towards Noah. I watched them as soon as Eric yelled for them to fight. Noah charged him in an instant, but Steven dodged him right away and threw in a punch, having his fist connect to Noah's right cheek. I felt excited, but it all washed away when Noah picked up Steven, putting him down.

Noah began to whisper something into Steven's ear that made him snap instantly. He pushed Noah off him and began throwing punches violently. When both of them separated, Steven shifted into this golden brown wolf. It was the first time after 9 years that I've seen a wolf shift like that.. Especially huge ones like the both of them. At this very moment I was beyond worried for Steven. I was scared.

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