Chapter 4

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Jay's POV

I looked at the ground and at the door, "did I say something wrong?" I asked myself and just shrugged shaking off the thought and just grabbed my back pack, checking if my pistol was still there. I sighed in relief and doubled checked the bullets and my back up knife.

'Glad I had the secret pouch though.'

I opened my back pack and took out another extra sweatshirt. I took off my clothes, leaving myself with just my boxers and slipped on a sweatshirt, feeling more comfortable.

I set my back pack aside and flopped down on the bed as I stared at the ceiling. I stayed their silently and thought of the reasons why I'm back into staying into another pack's house. Except this time, they all hated me. Not that I could blame them.

I sighed and covered my face and moved it up my face, to my hair brushing it back.

'What am I gonna do now?'

I got up and walked towards the window to see so many trees. I wanted to open it and to my luck, it did.

I smiled and stuck my head out as I looked up at the sky to see the same moon, it was such a beautiful view even though there was a lot of trees that were blocking the roads. It was still pretty nice.

But then I started hearing some car honking from down below, so I looked down to see two parked cars and saw many people coming out of the car.

'Who are they?' I wondered resting my hand on my chin.

One of the man looked up at me, but I couldn't see his face that well. He jogged and caught up from the rest pointing up at me. I furrowed my eyebrows together and stepped back closing my window, but before I could someone came running up my room.

"JAY! JAY!" Sofia came running, busting the door open.

"What? What happened? You hurt?" I questioned while looking at her.

"No, no. You should go downstairs.. There's someone we'd like you to meet." She had a huge smile on her face and before I knew it, she grabbed my hand and started dragging me to go downstairs.

A Couple of Minutes Earlier

Steve's POV

I stood waiting on the stairs trying to think, I wasn't entirely sure what to do honestly. She's very nice and has been through a lot, but I fear of hurting her feeling. Or am I just being paranoid?

'She's been alone and would probably want to stay that way or she would want to see one of her family members, but she might not? What the hell am I thinking!' I argued with myself.

"Fuck." I cursed.

"Hey Steve, what happened? Did that hunter hurt you in anyway?" I looked over to see Alec.

I shook my head right away and walked towards him.

"Where's Pia? I need to talk to her, It's really important and I need to tell her this thing-"

"Whoa there Steve slow down. Come- uh BABE!" He called out pushing me to the living room to see Sofia, smiling at first, but seeing my frustration she began to look depressed.

"What's wrong?" She rubbed my back and I sighed.

"Well uh.. Remember what the Alpha told us? About that one girl he took care of when he was a kid, while he was still living with his parents before he found his mate?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

She nodded and looked at me very concentrated, "when he was still in the Red Silver Pack?"

"YES! HAHA.. Yeah!" I laughed nervously and sat down on the couch.

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