Chapter 65

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Staying behind before torturing, I looked at Hunters body while Steven and the others took him away. The remaining bodies that were left behind was piled on top of each other. I on the other hand, watched as Eric gave the lighter to Mason while Warren was putting gas on the bodies. With the fling of the lighter, the bodies were soon burned. The smell of burning flesh spread while little bits of the ashes flew up into the sky.

I turned around and looked up towards the house and thought of Dean.. What would I have to say.?

I walked forward and felt my legs become so weak. My vision of the house we're going into two and the ring in my ear was painful. It's like a silent whistle that dogs were given when doing something bad or to scare them off. My heart beat was going fast from this sudden sound and I tried to cover my ears, but it was still there.

My knees finally touched the ground and so did my hands. Droplets of blood rested on the back of my hands that I wondered where it came from. My hair from the side of my face were wet, it was strange, but then I knew what sort of liquid covered it.


My body ached so much that every of my bones hurt. The same feeling of when I first had my transformation under the full moon. Tonight, the moon wasn't full; it was more a toenail like. I looked down on my hand and saw the same tattoo that only the Moon Goddess has given me, only to find it fading away.

"Jay! Jay!" I heard a mumbled voice that I recognized anywhere. The voice I've missed and never heard from in so long..

He went in front of me on bended knees, crouched back, and worried eyes staring straight into mine. He cupped my face with words I could barely hear. I shook my head and pointed into my ear as I spoke, "I can't hear.."

Saying those words, I can't hear anything? Even myself. But that's not until I heard the ringing again; except it was twice as worse.

I covered my ears harder even though I knew it won't help. It was very difficult to ignore it that I closed my eyes and went further down to the ground. My teeth were in pain that I wasn't sure why it did. It felt as though my teeth were being pulled down out of my own gums..

More hands I began to feel resting on my back as they tried to lift me, but when I looked up at them, they backed away so suddenly.

The ringing stopped and every sound I could hear almost clearly. I touched my ears and there were still blood dripping down from that irritating noise. My nails grew a bit sharp like I was becoming a wolf, but not completely.

"Jay.." I heard Kristoffer start and I looked at him. He pointed at my mouth that I wasn't sure of until I touched it. 

"It's.. Fangs.? Why do you have fangs?" Eric questioned.

"They're huge.. I think it's her werewolf teeth." Noah commented.

My body calmed down and so did everything else. I was myself again. I wondered why my wolf form started to  come out in the first place, but after all.. I don't really know what's to come today.

"I- I have to go clean up. After I do, bring Dean to me so I can tell him abound Hunt.. I'll be staying with him for the whole day, you guys can handle the bastard." I said almost in a whisper before getting up.

I stood up from the ground in a slow motion and just started to walk. A couple steps forward brings me in on a loop, the dizziness of the whole thing came rushing in that Kristoffer held me by the waist with our bodies touching. For once, I felt empty. The sparks weren't there, although the butterflies are still there.

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