Chapter 59

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Eric's POV

We were going around the entire woods little by little and found nothing. It was empty and I'm not even sure if they all left this woods as soon as they got what they needed.. But I doubt they killed those kids. They could've done it on the spot and yet they didn't. What do they have planned??

"Eric." I looked at Christian and he looked at me as if I was clueless.

"What?" I said.

"Your phone has been vibrating." He said as I looked down on my pockets and took out my phone.

I saw that Joey was calling me. I furrowed my eyebrows for I never thought that he'd call. I picked up the phone while I kept walking.

"Hey what's up?" I said.

"Hey Alpha, we didn't really find much on the north side of the woods. It's all clear." He informed as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We?? Who's we?" I asked and stopped walking, looking around the woods.

"Um. We decided to help look. We couldn't just sit around. Jay and the others are safe I promise. But the more people you have, the quicker this is."

I rubbed my face with my free hand and nodded, "fine. But check for the littlest of things because there might be some stuff just around the corner where we miss to look at. Recheck if any or if there are passages around the trees, under the dirt, or above."

"Yes Alpha."

"Good." I hanged up and went back to walk as I looked around hoping to see some signs for blood or ripped clothing or an object, footprints, or maybe even for something worse.. But it's too harsh to say.

"Hey Eric. I got something." I heard Noah announced and went to him.

"What is it?" I questioned and looked down to see something odd.

"Look likes our criminal is sending out some stupid guessing riddled letter games for Jay. Looks like whoever this is, is hoping she's the one to look for them.." he whispered and gave me the note.

I opened it and read it out loud, "the first crime ever committed were cries under the moon. The second was being able to kill with bear hands in a blink. The third is..." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up.. "He's not going to kill the kids, but we have to go back into the house."

"Why??" The Guys questioned.

"I know what the third meant and it's not good.." I said and quickly ran back to the house before it was too late.

"Wait what did the third one say!" Christian asked as I ignored it.

Anger filled up inside me as I shifted into my wolf form to run even faster. The rest I heard shift back and I wanted to hurry till my legs hurt. I couldn't waste my time by stopping. This was something I can't do. I can't. She's going to need me..

'Alpha Eric! What did the last one say??' Noah questioned as I growled.

'We'll talk about it when it's fine! We just have to go!' I yelled and kept concentrating the same way they did as soon as I yelled.

Damn those stupid obnoxious pathetic losers. Have nothing else better to do rather than make troubles. We're at a damn vacation? Is it too much to even ask for a break? Moon Goddess, what do you seriously have planned for us? Nothing ever good has come.

Why do you make us suffer.?

I shook my head and stopped myself from thinking any further. I don't even know why though really.. I've had problems with rouges, but it's gotten out of hand that this might be a Legacy Hunter were up against.. Maybe worse?  I'm not blaming Jay for all of this. Not even one second. It wasn't her fault that she was born the way she is. It's just sad to actually have her carry all of this burden.. Now I understood why she went alone all by herself..

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