Chapter 70

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I woke up feeling a bit drowsy. I yawned and stretched myself while blinking my eyes. For a second there, I couldn't recognize my ceiling? It was so blue and moving.?

I looked around in a panic, not knowing where I was? But it does look familiar..

I stood up and looked at every detailed of every plants, trees, flowers and the nearby lake.. I tilted my head to the side with my eyebrows furrowed together.

"You made it.." a voice called. My heart was beating again where it was no longer breaking. That voice is something I'd remember..

I turned around to see her. Her wavy light brown hair shining through the sun, a white t-shirt, silky and smooth with straps hanging loosely on her shoulders, the waist down was tightly hugging them that shows her curves, black pants, black and white shoes, jean jacket and two pieces of her hair was twirled and tied in the back while the rest was left down. Two of her short bangs were also left down in front of her face. She was beautiful..

She was smiling at me and my sadness returned.. Before my tears could ever fall, I ran to her as fast as I could. I was able to feel her soft and warm skin, her wonderful scent, the softness of her hair, and her touch..

"Jay.. Why did you leave me.." I began to mumbled on her neck.

"I couldn't let you die. Not now, not ever. I did this for you all. Mostly you." She replied.

I pulled away and she saw my eyes. She slowly placed her hands on my cheek and wiped away my tears with her thumb. I closed my eyes when she caressed them gently, I missed it..

"I didn't want to leave, but it was the price I had to pay.."

"But how.?" I questioned. She let go of my cheeks and scratched the back of her head.

"Well. I gave my life to you. The energy I had.. I was wishing for you to be alive and that's when the moon had given me the chance to do so. I can't just split my soul where I have half and you have the the half. It has to be given to you completely. A soul for a soul in order to keep balance in the world. In our species anyway. My power had given you the chance to live so now have the color of my eyes." She chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I questioned once again.

She held my hand and brought me towards the the crystal clear lake. She looked down at the lake and back at me and with a nod, I decided to look at myself. My eyes. It was like her. That golden, silver lining with black traces..

"You.." I looked at her and then back at the lake several times.

"Yeah, cool huh?" She chuckled again.

"Wha- I.. Um.." I was speechless and wasn't exactly sure how to react at this very moment.

"Alright well, when I decided to give my life to you.. All my sources and power was then transferred to you which gave you life. Except you can still transform into your werewolf.  The only difference there is, is that you would have the ability of what a hunter has. My power boosts your senses and strength and as an Alpha, that should be good."

"Why didn't you do the same thing for Hunter.. Why just me? And what are you now? If all of your power of being a hybrid is in me?"

"Hunter, well I never knew I could sacrifice my own life for someone else. He's having his moments. He did tackle me as soon as appeared in this place. We're together in this world. But as for me, I'm still both a werewolf and a huntress. The only difference is, I don't have my abilities anymore."

I nodded, understanding her words. "Wait Hunters here?"

She nodded her head.

"Yo yo yo yo! Did he die too?" Hunter announced himself from above the tree, standing on a tree trunk.

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