Chapter 63

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Sofia's POV

I stayed by the door and waited to hear something. A voice, footsteps, or a cough? Anything. But there was no sound on the other side. I held my hands together and rested it on my mouth while I looked at Janine who stood still like a statue. Just like me.

'Do we tell him.?' She questioned.

I shook my head quickly and walked over to her, 'we promised Eric and Jay.. We can't. Only the three of us know actually knows what's happening. If we tell anyone else they'll do something stupid. We would've too, but if we interfere with any of it, the Moon Goddess might as well put a curse on us...'

She closed her eyes and sat on the closed covered toilet, 'it isn't fair. We knew about it, the Moon Goddess can hear us right now, but why on earth would she plan something like that??'

'It's not her doing.. Jay said it's what she saw. The Moon Goddess just showed her it and we all know it's against the rules with nature, but she still showed it to her.'

'Hasn't the Moon Goddess thought of a way to put a loop on it??' She questioned.

I've always asked myself that question too, but if Jay had told us that then to my own thoughts.. There wouldn't be way to get out of it.

'No.. If there was, they would've been planning it. We still have can't tell anyone even if we wanted to. It'll be more than what's to come. We don't want that.'

She sighed and that's when we heard footsteps walking away. I went down on my knees and looked under the cracked door. I saw no more shoes, they left.

I raised an eyebrow, "Wait who's the guy again?? I forgot to ask... Plus I didn't listen because I was busy with thinking if he asked any questions.."

"He's Angels brother. It turned out she still had a family roaming around except, he's one the bandits. I guess finding out his sibling was with us, he just didn't seem to want hurt her or us. After all, he's a human." She said.

I nodded my head, "I'm glad she found someone who's rightfully hers to have. But Janine seriously, the water." I said as she looked at the tub remembering.

"Right.." She gave a short smile and undressed herself before heading in the tub.

"Keep in mind that we made a pinky promise to them. Breaking that promise would just be our very own mistake."

"But not doing anything would be our biggest mistake. Breaking our promise won't be as bad from what we agreed on."

"Still Janine. We can't do anything about it.. Jay chose this for herself. We have to respect it and eventually, we have to hide by the time it happens. We should know when to come out."

She crossed her arms and gave an angry expression, "I can't believe this. I swear I hate wars."

I gave a short smile and rubbed her back, "me too. But we have to end it."

She nodded in silence while I could finally bathe her. It does seem unfair.. The war is against innocent people. For what crime are we being punished for? I just don't understand it all.

Are the once who wanted peace, the once who deserved hell?

Steven's POV

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