Chapter 3

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Steven's POV

I went up the stairs with the hunter and brought her to the guest room. She was very silent and I never sensed any emotions coming out of her. It's very strange for a hunter not to feel much emotions at all. Just calm.

We got to the door and I opened it for her letting her go in first. She gave a small smile at me and I returned one back. Once we got in, I closed the door behind me and set her bag on the bed, but as for her daggers and pocket knives, they stayed downstairs in a hidden place. After awhile, she sat down and I just stood there for a moment.

I cleared my throat, "well this is it. This will be your room."

She looked around the room and sat on her bed, "wow big room.. Didn't expect that?" She chuckled as she took off her jacket and boots.

I looked at her with wondering eyes and decided to ask a question. Not caring whether or not it will be personal because either way, It'd be better to know now rather than let her suffer with whatever her true intentions were. With Alec in charge, torturing a hunter would be a big deal for him, but I'm not entirely sure if he will do that to her.

"Um hey Jay? If you don't mind me asking.." I trailed off getting her attention as I sat on the tiny couch across from her, "what's your full story? I mean I don't mean to be nosy, but you just seem so calm about everything. I don't feel any other types of emotions coming from you, just plain calmness. You're in a house full of werewolves who could just kill you any second for being a hunter. Imagine a hunter in your position, they'll be either angry, full of hatred, or scared.."

She gave a small smile, shaking her head a bit as she crossed her arms and began to explain. "If any of your pack wanted to kill me, I should've dead outside and not even make it here in the room. Plus, I know that hunters would only see the bad side of you guys, but I see both sides. They forgot that not all werewolves are bad, they're also human. With emotions and a story to tell, I mean you all have a family just like they do. But I guess they were born and taught how werewolves are just 'monsters' and you guys seemed to be taught that hunters are 'cold blooded killers'. I wasn't taught any of that, but I learned that in my own way. Me being calm is just who I am. As much as it's hard to believe this, I was actually raised by werewolves.."

I just looked at her dumbfounded and scoffed, not in a negative way. She was right about me finding it hard to believe that she was raised by werewolves when she's a hunter? It doesn't make sense?

"You were raised by werewolves? Look thank you for understanding our side though.. No one really understood what we're like at times, but you just caught me off guard.. I just need you to clarify that for me?" I leaned back and rested the back of my head onto the wall, still staring at her with disbelief.

"Well it's a long story-"

"We have the time? I mean I would love to know more about you?" She looked at me surprised for a second and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well alright then.." She fixed her sitting position and looked at me, "the werewolves who took me in told me how it happened because they felt that it was unfair for me not to know. So it turned out my parents were hunters, but my mom was pregnant at that time with me. My mom and dad were tired of living the hunter life, so they ran away. They didn't want me growing up as a hunter and wanted me to live a normal life.. They didn't get far because my mom would always get tired until they found this house, not sure where, but it's near to where the cliff was. The werewolves smelled their scent and went to them, the Alpha wasn't happy and tried telling them to leave, but my dad would keep begging. It didn't matter if they were werewolves, he just wanted shelter because my mom was very close to giving birth. Couple of weeks or something, but the Alpha still wouldn't accept them. Until the Luna came outside, seeing what the ruckus was all about. Then she saw my mom, she felt sympathy and tried talking to her mate, but still nothing. My dad decided to make a deal, shelter for them and they get to know what the hunters were planning, tell the secrets of the their weapons and experiments to make the weapons become more effective to harm any werewolves, and show them how they make their weapons. The werewolves thought it would be good to know, but they never sensed any lies or anything. They were being honest, so they all worked together for days. Became part of the pack, everyone was so happy.." She paused and gave a sad smile. She avoided my gaze and looked down at her hands again, playing with her thumb.

"Until I was born, all hell broke loose.. Hunters came that night after my mom gave birth and had me in her arms. My dad and the werewolves teamed up to the fight against them while my mom stayed with the Luna and some other werewolves to keep us protected. My mom couldn't handle the gun shots and people screaming, growling. She gave me to the Luna and instead of her resting, she joined the fight. She was still weak.. But the Luna didn't want her to fight so she left me with one of the she-wolves and ran after my mom to prevent her from joining in. But by the time she got out, my mom was shot and my dad was already on the ground. They told me that my grandpa was the one who shot them for being traitors.. A lot of people died, but some escaped. The Alpha tried rescuing them, but he didn't get to. I forgave him for that. It wasn't his fault, but he did give me a picture of them and before they took their last breath, they wanted me to know that they loved me very much. My mom even gave me this piece of necklace as a gift for when I was old enough."

She pushed her long wavy light brown hair back and showed me this golden necklace with a heart shaped ruby and with it there was a matching ring, similar to the ruby heart, "this ring was what my dad gave to my mom as a promise ring from when they were young. But yeah, the werewolves took me in by then and raised me as their own, took care of me, and even trained me. To them it seemed as if I didn't need that much training, I was told that me being a hunter seemed to be in my blood.. The hunters know I was still alive, that's why the pack moved to another place just to keep me safe. I was tired of feeling as if I was a burden, I know that they love me.. I just honestly couldn't risk losing them too. They're my family.. So by the time I was 11, I decided to run away. I left them a letter saying how much I love them, how much I'll miss them, and how much I wanted to them to be safe because I know that if I stayed, it'll just get them killed.. I know they didn't want me to be a hunter, but my life wasn't normal either. I have the hunters blood running through my veins, it's who I am. I promised myself that I won't be abusing that, but I'll use what I have to punish those who killed my parents and who wants to threaten my current family now. It's been 8 years since I've been hunting them, but they keep going around, getting people to help find me."

"That's why you never stay to a certain place for more than a month.? I'm sorry." I whispered as I saw her eyes tear up with a tear falling down her cheek.

I got up and went next to her, hugging her, "I never told anyone this." She mumbled.

"Well you have me now and Sofia?" I pulled away, giving a small smile. She looked at me and I started wiping her tears away. "Who were those kind pack that took you in?"

She looked away and wiped her tears, I chuckled a bit. I waited for an answer and when I did, I stretched my back as it cramped. "Um.. They were called the Red River Pack."

"WHAT!" I yelled and accidentally fell backwards making a loud thud. I grunted and sat up holding the back of my head.

"Jeez. You okay?" She asked trying to hold in a laugh and helped me up. I nodded fast and walked slowly towards the door. She walked close to me and fixed my dirty blonde hair, but I kept walking backwards.

"Well uh feel comfortable, if you need me I'll be downstairs alright? Okay heh.." With that I quickly got out of the room and decided to go downstairs to talk to Sofia.

"Shit I can't believe she's here.. I can't even believe that it's her! What am I gonna do.. What am I gonna say??" I muttered to myself and ran downstairs, but stopped. Sighing with the frustration.

'It's actually her.'

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