Chapter 83

643 35 1

- One Year Later -

Kristoffer's POV

All these peaceful years, not once that I've ever had any problems with war. No disagreements, fighting, and rarely any bad hunters. I've actually created peace between our worlds. It was difficult to deal with towards different hunters, but we (us family) had created this pact where both hunters and werewolves are never to fight again and will forever be at peace. Whenever there's trouble, we'll help in anyway we can and they would do the same.

Putting those aside, I've actually marked Isobel for this time being. She was sick for a couple of weeks, but she managed to fight through it. Things have never been better, but I do still communicate with Jay when I can. She rarely answers anymore, but I've seen her once in my dream. She's told me about how she's met her parents and had been with them ever since.

She was happy and she actually is with Hunter. Even though she loved me, she met him first. I wasn't as hurt as I should've been, but they deserved it. After all, in the end they seem to be the truest soul mates, freely rather than forced. Even so, to me she's found her peace. I'm okay with setting her free and let her enjoy the life she has now like what she's doing for me.

Steven on the other hand, he parted ways with the girl he dated, he realized something he should have before and now he's just by himself. Not loving anyone or anything, just spending time by himself. He's moved back in with the pack since being normal never really worked out and it seemed to be the best way to go considering how lost he's been.

We were glad.

"Kris!" Janine yelled across the hall as I lifted my head up and faced my door as it swung open.

"Yeah??" I said raising one eyebrow upward while the other was steady.

"It's Isobel, she keeps throwing up!" She yelled worriedly, "I- I don't know what to do. She's sweating like crazy and Eric is helping her out and the rest is getting her water and some medicine!"

I furrowed my eyebrows together and closed my journal as I set it aside. I ran out of my room and rushed over to the bathroom down the hall way pass the stairs. I saw Eric holding Isobel's hair as she kept throwing up.

"I got it from here, Janine's worrying so much, please check up on her okay?"

"Yeah. Just keep holding her hair up." He ordered as I nodded.

I watched him leave and I looked down at Isobel. She stopped puking and just gave a huge sigh. She took tissues and wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet before closing the lid while I gently stopped holding her hair. She stood up before heading towards the sink and began holding out her hand, with some water before gurgling it, but once she's done she then cleared her throat while she looked at me and smiled.

"I'm fine." She whispered before sitting down on the toilet.

"Did you get food poisoning??" I put the back of my hand on her forehead and felt that she was barely warm. "You don't seem to have a fever."

She kept looking down and glancing around the places until her eyes landed on the cabinet. "Excuse me." She said as she reached out opening the drawer, searching for something.

It seemed as though she found none and froze herself. She blinked several times, lost before she looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a bit of a panic.

"I'm late.." She whispered.

"Late?? Like period late?" I asked surprised and she nodded. "Are you uh."

"I might be.. I don't know. I've been having morning sickness for the past week sometimes." She said nervously.

"Let me freshen up and we can get some test okay?" She said again once more and tried pushing me out the door.

"We can just ask Eric. He knows someone instead of buying-" I was cut off with the door slamming my face.

I closed my eyes and ran back to my room to see Eric and Janine along with the others who tried helping. Water on Alec's hands and medicines on Pia's hands, but thy stopped focusing on them and focused on me.

"How was she?" Eric questioned.

"She's showering now, but Eric do you still have that person who knows something about pregnancies still? Who checked up on Janine when you guys didn't trust the tests?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah I still know them. Why do you ask??" He replies with his arms crossing.

"Wait is she?" Pia had said with a sound of surprise in her voice. 

"I don't know.. She told me she's been having those morning sickness for a couple of weeks now. She's been late so I can't really say. I don't know if the bite is the reason or she might be pregnant or something else." I sighed before getting myself a glass of whiskey.

"We'll call them then. But just so you know, she shouldn't be sick of the bite. Human or not, it should only be painful, never that. We'll check it out though okay? For now we'll watch over her to be sure she's not stressing out too much." Janine had said before rubbing my back. "You guys will be fine."

I chuckled, "oh I hope."

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