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2 months later

"Alright everybody that was good" I clapped along with everyone else.
"A couple of you have to work on your footwork but for the most part, I liked it. Make sure you remember though practice makes perfect okay?" They nodded.

"Okay then see you guys tomorrow" I smiled. Waiting until all the kids left I passed out on the floor. Dancing did always wear me out.

"Did you fall sweety" I looked up seeing Juslina leaning against the doorway.

"Does it look like I fell, honey?" I mocked her pulling my knees to my chest.

"Well, I'm not sure you know you. Clumsy, non-talented, you never know" She smirked attempting to slide that in as if it'd go over my head.

"Non-talented? Oh please. You've been trying to get my position for years. Being that you haven't achieved it seems as if I'm the only one with talent in this room" I pushed my lips to the side shrugging ending it with a chuckle I laid back down.

"If I wanted it I'd have it" Her face showcased a sour expression.
Laughing I got up stretching.

"Show me you could get it then. Until then I have to go I actually have a man to tend too unlike some who can't keep one" Grabbing my bag and phone I purposely bumped into her shoulder as I walked by. Turning back she stared at me with wide eyes. Laughing loudly I walked out the door.

"Whore" I said aloud throwing my stuff in my backseat. Calling Quincy I put my phone on speaker.

"Hello" I spoke backing out of the parking lot.

"Hey lady you home yet" Smiling I shook my head although he couldn't see me.

"No, I'm on my way though. Where are you?"

"Ish shit. Imma leave in 10 so you'd get a chance to get ready"

"Okay. Ill text you when I get home"

"Aight love" I hung up. Me and him actually became kind of close after going on a few more outings just getting to know each other a little better. Now we've created a friendship. He wasn't my average type of dude but I definitely liked him. My little New Orleans boo.

15 minutes later I pulled up to my street texting Quincy. Pulling into my driveway I noticed my older brother Corey hopping out of a car.

"What the hell" I mumbled before getting out.
"Hey what are you doing here" I walked up to him.

"I came to see my little sister. You kno' you've been mia so I'm here to see what's up with you. I texted you telling you I was coming" Fishing out my phone I went right to my messages and sure enough, there was a message from him. Damn my phone never tells me when I get a message.

"Yeah sorry about that I've just been really busy" I unlocked my door dropping my bag.

"With what" He opened my fridge.

"The usual work and stuff" I glanced at the time on my stove. I was praying to God he left before Quincy got here.

"Word. That's good"

"Yeah hm you just weren't..you know busy today" I half smiled glancing at the clock. Squinting at me he shook his head.

"Nah I got shit to do but I wanted to see what was up with my lil baby first" Muffling my hair he sat on my couch.
"Why you acting all jittery"

"I'm not I'm just shocked to see you here. I missed you brother.." I froze when the doorbell rang.

"You not gonna get that"

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