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I was standing in line at Popeyes trying to get Q something to eat. I had been calling/texting him for the past two weeks but he either didn't respond or the call would go straight to voicemail.

"Here" The young boy put the bag of food in my face.

Frowning I snatched it then went back to my car. I hated coming here the employees were so rude. That could explain why he liked it so much, they all had the same personality traits.

I spotted his car so I grabbed my things making my way upstairs. Unlocking the door with my key I stepped in. The air was blasting and it was super quiet. Taking my shoes off I put them to the side and put my keys and purse on the glass counter. As I took my steps on his black carpet I suddenly got nervous since I hadn't seen him or heard from him in so long. His bedroom door was closed so I slowly opened it. He was laid out on the bed asleep. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding I was glad that he wasn't somewhere dead; also that he wasn't awake.

Putting the food on the nightstand I got in the bed wrapping my arms around his torso. Shifting he turned a little making me lean up.

"Whatchu doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from me" He asked with his eyes now on me.

Nibbling on my top lip I gave him a half shrug.
"I stayed away, for almost two weeks to be exact so I'm not anymore" Stretching he fixed his shorts before going to the bathroom.

While he was in there I took out his food and put his straw in his drink. Sneakily I took a couple of fries and sipped his coke as he came out.

"I got you food. It's your favorite" I smiled pointing to it as he got back in the bed.

"Thanks" He got under the cover wrapping his arms around his pillow. Jerking my head back I watched as he closed his eyes not even acknowledging the box.

"So you're just not going to eat it" I tapped my fingers on the bed.

"Not hungry ma" Rolling my eyes I shivered from the coldness in his bedroom.

"If you had clothes on you wouldn't be shakin" He said never opening his eyes.

"Or maybe it's just fucking freezing in here. How did you even know"

"Watch ya mouth. I could feel yo big head ass shakin the bed. Co'mere" He threw the cover back.

Snuggling under the comforter I felt warm again.

"I don't appreciate you ignoring me Q" I said purposely because I had an attitude.

"Now I'm Q" He turned pulling me to his bare chest by my belt buckles.

"You've been acting really weird lately and I don't like it, at all" I sighed as he licked his lips.

Instead of responding to me he went in for a kiss but I turned so he caught my cheek.

"That's how we comin"

"I'm feeling a way and you don't even care. Why did I even come" I asked more so to myself.

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