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Sitting on the bed I scrolled through my computer. I had just submitted my portfolio to a couple of modeling agencies, I wanted to have options so I sent it to a bunch just in case I was ignored. I was so anxious to get a response even though I just had submitted them. Although I didn't want to get too excited I hoped someone would see me and want to work with me.

If not I'd just have to settle for what I went to school for. That wouldn't be too bad for me since I obviously like it since I stuck with that major but I just preferred modeling instead.

Now wanting to do a little shopping to get my mind off of it I ordered some clothes off of fashion nova and now I wanted some bags.

"Wassup" Quincy came in and pecked my lips. Walking to his dresser he took his jewelry off while I continued on my computer.

Frowning at the price of the YSL bag it slowly turned into a smile when I remember who I went to sleep with every night. I took the computer off my lap putting it to the side. Laying on my stomach I smiled at him batting my lashes.

Taking his Rolex off he glanced at me through the mirror before shaking his head.
"Why you watchin me" He asked. Resting my chin on my hand I tapped my fingers against my cheek.

"Just admiring you that's all"

"Admirin' my ass. Whatchu want girl" He sat on my back grabbing my laptop. Knocking him off of me I sat behind him looking over his shoulder.

"I want a new purse"

"How much" He scrolled through the page. Stopping him I clicked on the one I wanted.

"1000? You killin me you know that" Exhaling he handed me his wallet before giving me back my computer.

"Just this one bag. I love you" I sang taking his card out.

"You better wit the way you runnin' my pockets" Tying in his card numbers I placed my order crossing my legs Indian style.

"You only got me two stop it"

"Two expensive ones" Scratching my nose I tried to hold back the cough that was fighting to come out but I could no longer. A series of them continued out and I was finally able to catch my breath.

"Damn, you sick" He covered his mouth and nose backing up a bit.

"No" I shivered feeling extremely cold all of a sudden.

"I ain't sleepin wit you tonight ma. You dyin' or somethin" Feeling a sudden wind of agitation I ignored him turning the fan off. It was the middle of November and the weather in LA was so bipolar I honestly hated living here. To add to it it didn't help at all that as soon as heat hit me I would step out half-dressed all the time.

"You are such a germaphobe. I'm dying over here and you're worried about where you'll be sleeping tonight" Covering my mouth I coughed beginning to feel light-headed. Placing my hand on the headboard I tried to keep my balance.

"Fuck you got bronchitis or somethin? Come on get up we going to the doctor" He motioned for me to get off the bed but I couldn't move because my heart started to race.

"I can't breathe Quincy"

"Whatchu mean you can't breathe" He now stood at my side.
"Come on son you gotta help me we going to the hospital" He grabbed my arm throwing it around his neck. Putting his hand under me he picked me up as I placed my hurting head on his shoulder.

"You sure you can't walk Rina" He asked as he took out a sweater to put on me.

"I think I maybe can let me try" Slowly landing on my feet I took a deep breath then sneezed.

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