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Excuse my mistakes


Carina was sitting outside on her steps waiting for Ish to pull up. Letting out a breath she leaned forward on her thighs.

At any moment he was picking her up to take her to their hideaway.

Quincy literally would not speak to her this go around. I mean before he at least hit her up asking about appointment visits but this time he didn't want to converse at all. In fact, he had Ish asking about baby them instead of him.

After a few days of sitting on it, she started to feel sorta in the wrong and wanted to apologize. She probably shouldn't have come at him as harsh as she did but she was angry.

Angry as hell to be exact.

The man she once knew wasn't him anymore.

Could you blame her?

She had been trying and trying but it wasn't going anywhere. She understood he was going through something so that's why she took everything he threw at her in secrecy but this was the last straw.

She thought he would understand her doing what she did at the hospital but he didn't. Instead, he took it as a betrayal on his part and was offended. He'd never expected her to fully put him before her family but even her mother knew Carter was acting psycho.

Quin reacted out of reflex.

Janice wasn't happy about it, of course, but she knew the circumstances. She had been through something similar with her husband and mother in a previous time.

Hearing the horn she got up grabbing her bag.

"Thank you" She said entering the car.

Although she had been to their spot she had no idea where it was. It was ducked off somewhere strange.

Ish had noticed the difference in his friend so he thought maybe if he helped fix their relationship Q'd get back to normal. Ish had his own life but he was problem-free. The least he could do was help his brothers get that way also.

He liked Carina a lot and thought she was good for Q so he wanted them to stay together. Ish loved seeing his family happy and Rina was growing on him. He considered her apart of the family as well.

"No problem" He replied switching gears.

"You think he'll be mad?" She asked pulling her seatbelt.

"Probably at me for bringing you but he'll get over it. This the only way y'all could talk so.." He shrugged. "...so be it"

"I can't believe he blocked me. That's so childish of him" She let out a light laugh.

"He loves you girl. He wouldn't be this petty if he didn't"

"I trust you so I'll believe you but this doesn't seem like love to me" She shrugged fidgeting with her fingers.

With a sigh, he glanced over at her.
He felt bad.

Even he knew how she was being treated was wrong. He figured Quin was trying to push her away. She was a soft spot for him and in the midst, he didn't want to be anything but angry.

Almost thirty minutes later they arrived at the abandoned building. Parking his car they got out as she looked around at the deserted land and trees. This place was new and she definitely hadn't been here before.

"This isn't the place" She spoke.

"I kno" He grunted stepping up the stairs holding his back.
"This the chill area" He opened the door.

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