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Excuse Errors...


Turning the locks to my parent's home I stepped inside shutting the door behind me.

Jazz played at a medium level as I followed in the direction of the melodies. They traveled to the dining room where I heard both of my parents conversing and snickering.

Entering I smiled.

"Wassup parents" I took a seat at the table.

"Shelia, see why I said he don't needa key"

Looking at the wine, food, and game of monopoly I made an O with my lips.

This must of been their little date night.

Shit my bad, I thought.
I'm the son though so I'm always welcomed.

"Momma I'm interrupting?"

"No honey it's okay. Get some food" She cupped my arm.

"Why you ain't ask me if you interrupting?" My pops spoke up.

"Cause I knew you were finna say yes" I stood as he chuckled.

Getting me a plate and fork I went back to the table.

Sitting I started eating.

"This man became a dad and stopped showing up like he used too" My momma said.

"Not true. I actually been working on building establishments. That's why I been busy"

"Oh really?" My pops questioned.

Nodding I bit into the fried chicken.

"Well, aren't we proud of you. Look at God. Reinventing our son"

Laughing I shook my head.

"How is it going?"

"Not too bad actually. Who knew a lot of work would have to be put in on my end and I'm not the one building the stuff"

"Hard work has to be put into anything you do son. It's not always easy as it seems"

"Yea. I know. I had met with some contractors this morning. Ma maybe you could help me out. This business talk is new to me. I know you were into this in your schooling days"

"Yes. Yes, I was. Next time you have to speak with someone call me. I'd love to go"

Nodding I tightly smiled at her happiness. She loved shit like this so I was glad I gave her something to look forward too.

"How's my grandbaby? Did you find out the gender?"

"Growing and Nah. Carina wants to do a gender reveal thing"

"Aw that's so exciting"

"Yeah, she's ecstatic about it. She's really looking forward too it"

"Glad to know things are going better between you two"

"Yea" I smiled thinking about her.

I missed her.

"Where is she?"

"She had to fly back to Jersey. Some family problems"

"Ah" They looked at each other.
"That explains why you here"

Laughing I opened the water bottle.
"Chill. I was just here"

"Boy, you were here Christmas. Y'all stuck like glue"

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