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"You really think I should do modeling instead of dancing" I asked Cynthia. I was helping her close up the studio today.

"Well your mom did it, your sister does it and they like it right? I think you can"

"I've thought about it before but I don't know. I guess I'll ask one of them and see" I walked with her to her car.

"I mean dancing is fun and modeling is too but what do you like? You ever thought of doing what you went to school for"

"I have I just... I think I lost joy in it"

"Computer science does sound cool though"

"Yeah but I don't know. I want to be able to travel, attend events, get dolled up just for photos. Have outfits just to put on without having to buy it first" I laughed.

"Yeah that does sound fun but why did you go to school for something you didn't want to do. That's a waste of money Carina"

"I used to be so into gaming systems, software, and databases at one point in time but some people lose interest easily. The love I had for it kind of like vanished" I put my hands in my back pockets.

"You'll eventually figure it out but I gotta go okay" Nodding I moved so she can get in her car.
"Talk to you later?"

"Yeah. See ya" I watched her pull off before walking to my car. It was dark out and I didn't want to go home. It was a Friday night and a full moon was out. Leaning against the hood of my car I searched my bag for my phone and keys. Finding my phone I checked the time before stuffing it in my pocket. Suddenly I heard a noise which freaked me out so I rushed to the side of my car still looking for my keys.

"Drop ya shit" Someone spoke directly behind me.

Instantly I dropped my bag. My body froze and I couldn't move a muscle, I was terrified. Looking through my black window I tried to see who was behind me but had no luck. The only thing that could be seen was my reflection.

"Turn around" A metal piece was pushed against my head. Widening my eyes I started to tremble uncontrollably.

"I-I can't move" My voice came out more shaky out of fear that he would kill me.

"This bitch" He chuckled.
"Turn her around cuz" Feeling someone's hands me, my body was turned and I was face to face with an all black figure.

"She kinda bad Time" The guy who turned me around spoke.

"Are you fucking stupid. Saying my shit now I gotta kill her" He cocked his gun back in my face.

"Please don't. I swear I won't say anything just please let me go" I begged. Staring at me with piercing black eyes his mouth slowly turned into a smirk. Scanning my body through the holes in his ski mask he pushed me over.

"Yo rand her shit here" He passed the second man my bag. Stepping closer to me he put his gun down placing his hand on my waist. My heart instantly started to pound.

"No" I pleaded once again when I felt his hand reach to my lower half.

"I like a beggar" He spoke in my ear kissing beneath it. Pulling my body into his he stared a hole in my face as I could see the darkness in his pupils.

"You wanna give me a kiss" I asked as his breath reeked of death. I wanted so badly to run but I couldn't.

"Aight yo I got her cash but we gotta go I hear sirens"

"Fuck" He let me go with a slight push.
"Gimme her wallet" He took my wallet looking through it.

Ripping his ski mask off he looked me dead in the eyes but all I could still see was black and evil in his. His skin was filled with battle scars that spoke for themselves. He had miniature dreads and gold teeth.

Guns & Roses || (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now