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Waking up the next morning I stretched out my limbs yawning extra loud. Lifting my hands I rubbed my eyes feeling super energized for some reason.

The bright light from outside slightly came in through the crack in my curtain causing a smile to come across my face, I was just thankful to be able to see another day. Quincy's snoring took me out of my dazed so I looked down at him. He was laying on my chest with his lips slightly parted. Using one hand I rubbed it through his short hair and used my other to check the time on my phone.


I had a hair appointment at 10:30 so I was glad I woke up early so I could lounge for a bit. Wiggling out of his grip he groaned before rolling off of me. I waited to see if he would get up but he didn't. His snoring continued as he wrapped his arms around my large body pillow. Slightly smiling at his need to hold something while he slept I shook my head and proceeded to get on with my day.

Slipping my purple slippers on I went into my bathroom and did the usual. I grabbed my robe putting it on since it was sort of chilly in here. I made my way to the front closing my door back so I wouldn't wake him up.

I peeked in my guest room to check on Royalty but she was sleep as well. Her little body laid out on my queen size bed was the cutest thing ever.

I continued down the stairs and seen Blu sitting in his cage wagging his tail.

"Just me and you huh" I bent down to his level. He scratched at the cage door until I opened it. Instantly he jumped on me making me lose balance. I hated being clumsy because that right there hurt.

"Come on blu. You hurt mommy" I rolled my eyes.

Rubbing his head for a bit I picked him up and went to my backyard. I put him down so he could pee. At first, he didn't move but now he was running around like a crazy person. Bluebell was only 3 years old but he looked older. Yesterday after I left Rina and Matt I met up with Dave. We hung out for a little bit until he told me about his friend that was trying to sell his dogs. Me being a dog person I just had to get one when he showed me the pictures.

Forcing Dave to contact him he asked if I could purchase one of them. He was super excited that someone wanted his dog so he said I could get him right then and there. He only cost me $250 so it wasn't too bad. I just needed to make a mental note to bring him to the vet to make us he doesn't have any sicknesses or injuries as of now.

My backyard was closed off so I felt comfortable with leaving Blu back there by himself. I went into the kitchen so I could wash my hands and fix everyone's breakfast. Rihanna's ANTI album played through my phone lowly as I cooked.

I sang along to needed me as I flipped the bacon in the pan. I sat the pancakes, grits, and eggs to the side since I had just finished cooking them. I felt a slight tap on my back leg so I turned around. Ro stood there looking at the floor. She was super shy but that must have only been because she didn't know me that well. To my surprise, I was shocked Shawn had even asked me to watch her. I only met her twice.

"Good morning sweetie" I turned the fire down before squatting to her level.
"What's wrong?"

"Can I have juice?" She asked.

Smiling I nodding before picking her up. Although she was 4 she wasn't that big. Sitting her on my island I pulled out a cup and opened my fridge.

"I got orange juice, apple juice, water, or milk" I turned back to her with a smile.

Tapping her chin she smiles back pointing to the OJ.

"Orange juice it is" I poured her some before placing it back on the shelf. I put her down so she could sit in the chair and drink it.

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