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Sitting in the center of the mall Carter sat bouncing his leg up and down. He had agreed to meet the mother of his child and their daughter so at that very moment he was just waiting. He was super nervous to meet her for the first time. Before he arrived he thought he was mentally prepared but everything he had told himself had flown out the window.

Nervously fixing his shirt he papped his jeans smoothing them out when he saw the pair approaching from the distance. If he thought he was a little shaken up before he was terrified now. He feared what his daughter would think of him. If she'd be standoffish or not welcoming to his presence.

"Hey" Narda stood in front of him with a bright smile while the baby stood behind her.

"Hey" He said back lowly as his heart pounded inside his chest.

"So as you know I have someone here to meet you today. She's as nervous as I am" She cracked a smile. Putting her hands behind her she grabbed the baby revealing the two to each other.

"Say hi. It's okay I'm here" She bent down to her level. Slowly lifting her head she viewed a tense Carter.

"Hi, beautiful" Carter waved at her not knowing what to say.

"Hi. Are you my new daddy" She asked bluntly although she honestly had no clue of what was going on. The amount of intelligence she had at such a young age was astonishing for people to see. She was only 4 close to being 5 but could properly speak for her age which wasn't common for most 4-year-olds.

"Hm" He looked at Narda for reassurance slightly confused when she said, new daddy. She had already had a talk with her about the situation so she was aware of who he was. Nodding her head he looked back at the child standing in front of him.

Bending down while Narda got up he smiled at her.
"Yes, I am. Daddy's happy to finally meet you Tyla. You look just like me I might just me cry" He smiled showcasing his deep dimples.

"Can I get a hug?" He asked nervously. Half smiling she walked into his open arms hugging him. Tightening his grip he stood still holding her trying to obtain the mixed emotions he was having from this introduction. He wanted so bad to just cry on her shoulder but his body and pride wouldn't let him. He knew at this given moment he had to be strong.

Standing off to the side Leo watched the two wiping the few happy but scared tears that sat under her eyes.

"I can't believe this" He said still with her in his grasp. Leaning back Tyla being the 4-year-old she was she could care less about the situation when she saw a group of kids playing in a little play area they had in the mall.

"Can I play" She pointed to the kids. Turning and looking he saw the kids and smiled.

"Yeah, baby you can" He placed her down while her little feet ran over to them. Watching her he stood in disbelief as he went and sat on a near bench. Taking a seat next to him Leo softly pushed his arm with her shoulder. Quickly glancing at her he looked back at his daughter.

"You okay" She questioned already knowing he was fighting off the emotions he had towards their greeting.

"I'm good just..shocked. It's a tough situation I'm tryna wrap my head around it. She don't even look interested in a nigga for real"

"She's young. We can talk her ear to death about the situation but it's gonna take a minute for her to adjust. This is not an everyday lifestyle for a toddler"

"I get it" He nodded.
"But why she say new daddy tho? I know you ain't have my child calling a another nigga daddy Lenarda" Rolling her eyes she ran her fingers through her hair. She knew that that topic was bond to come up she just didn't know how to approach it. To her, she understood why any parent would be mad about that but she wished he would just focus on the one thing which is them getting to know each other and not how she had Tyla calling another man her father.

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