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Waking up I yawned twisting my shoulders. I looked over to be met with my mother who was peacefully sleeping. Confused I looked around realizing I was in her room.

My eyes looked at the cable box checking the time seeing it was 3 am. Getting out of her bed I looked for my sneakers slipping them on. I then went into their bathroom to care for myself before coming out. Kissing her forehead I left of the room cracking the door.

Quietly going down the stairs I was about to leave until I saw a light flashing in the direction of the living room.

Following it, the light got brighter as I entered. My dad sat on the couch going through papers.

"Wassup pops" I said sitting down across from him. Glancing at me he pushed his glasses up.

"Nothing man, surprised you woke up"

"I ain't mean to fall asleep in your spot. Y'all should have woke me"

"No" He shook his head.
"Your mother brings you comfort. You needed to be with her"

Sighing I scratched my head.
"Whatchu looking at?"

"Some paperwork. I've been so busy doing things for Brenda I've neglected my business"

"You need to hire someone to help you. You stressin' yourself out"

Letting out a sigh he put one page behind the other.
"Ion trust nobody with my stuff. Sometimes you gotta do things yourself to get the job done"

Taking in what he said I pulled on my goatee.

"They give you anything yet?" I inquired in reference to the feds.

"No, but they're looking... at least that's what they've been telling me"

"They'on really give a fuck do they?" I asked knowing the truth.

Eyeing me he swallowed before looking back to his papers.

"They're looking. Let them do their job, Quincy"

With a slight laughed I shook my head. They weren't looking for shit. If it was one of their people it would be a manhunt looking for the nigga who killed him.

"Got it" I stood grabbing my phone from my pocket.
"Ima head out"

Nodding he grabbed my arm before I left out the living room.
"Stay off the drinks son"

Twisting my face up I pulled my arm back. Everyone always had something to say about what I got going on. Like I wasn't going through shit.

"I'll lock the door"


That morning I found my self going to the streets. All this time I've been sitting home crying and shit instead of making walls shake.

I don't know why I even twisted my mouth to ask for the pigs' help liked they would do something for me. I was taught to handle everything and that's what I was gonna do.

Pulling in front of Jeezy's house I stopped the engine grabbing my gun. Taking my blunt from behind my ear I hopped out. My eyes raced the cars that drove by as I place it to my lips. Patting my pockets I looked for my lighter.

Groaning I sucked my teeth opening my car door. I knew I had that shit cause I just smoked before I left the house.

Feeling something run across my spine I wrinkled my brows. Coming out of the car I looked down at Ashley who was smiling holding a lighter.

"Need this?" She wiggled it in her tips.

"I did" I took it.

Lighting it I kicked my door closed.
"Whatchu doin here again. Thought you ain't like them bitches?" I glanced at the girls looking our way.

"Uh—" She pulled the straps on her shirt.
"I didn't say I disliked them. Some of them are just what you said... bitches"

"Well you need new friends" I stepped around her locking my door.

"I made a new friend" She laughed.

"Mm hm" I let the blunt slightly hang from my mouth jogging up the stairs.

"Hey. I want that back!" She yelled out slightly standing on her tippy toes.

Opening the door to his crib I stepped in closing the door.

"Wass good bro? Sorry about K" One of the guys said dapping me.

"Appreciate that. Where Jeezy?"


Nodding I went in the direction looking for him. Seeing some people I knew I dapped them keeping the conversation short.

"Wazzam" I said taking a seat on the wooden chair.

"Wassup, how you feeling?" He asked holding some baking soda in his hand.

"I'm livin'... That's actually what I'm here for"

Glancing at me he nodded his head to ole dude in here with us. Rubbing my nose I waited for him to speak.

He knew why I was here.

"What they saying?"

"Robbery gone wrong some shit. But that ain't sounding righ. Wasn't shit stolen on him or his lady when they arrived"

"A robbery" He sat back in his seat.
"I ain't hear that. Where it happen?"

"At ole girl house. In Inglewood"

"Inglewood..." He continued doing what he was doing.
"Ima look into it. I might know someone who may know" He said.
"That was my boy too. I'm riding"

"Aight fam" I stood dapping him, then I left out.

Going down the stairs I looked across street nodding for Ashley to come to me. Standing up she busted off the back of her shorts approaching me.

"Here" I handed her the transparent lighter.

"I thought you were gonna steal it" She lightly laughed.

"I got some I just can't find the one I had" I put out my blunt not in the mood to smoke any more.

"You okay?" She asked walking with me to my car.

"I'm ina different world righ now" I opened my door about to get in.

"Wait. What are you about to get into?"

"I got some shit to do later tonight. Nothing righ now"

"Mm" She rocked back and forth on her toes and heels. Staring at her I waited for her to just ask to chill with me. It wasn't that big of a deal.
"Oh okay. I'm not doing anything either"

"Look like you doin something to me"
I tilted my head to the girls who were going into the house.

"Just sitting there listening to them talk. That's boring"

Sighing I got in my car starting the engine.

"Ash get in" I said not finna play with her today.

Smiling she lifted her finger running back to the house. The girls kept speaking to her but she just grabbed her bag waving bye.

"Okay. Ready" She threw her bag in the backseat.

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