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I know I haven't published a chapter in a minute.. college y'all, it's a monster. Anyways I'm working on finishing the book I promise...

Oh yeah and thank you for 10,000 reads! I really appreciate it!


Putting my key in the engine I leaned back on my seat. I don't know if it was the pregnancy or what but it's causing me to be so drained from the littlest of tasks so you know work was killing me. I had just finished my last class and couldn't wait to get home. Running my hand through my hair I threw it over my shoulder unlocking my phone. I couldn't help but feel a way that no agency I sent my portfolio into responded to me. It made me feel not only embarrassed that I thought I'd actually get a chance but a little insecure.

Glancing to make sure my doors were locked I rested my chin on my knee while scrolling through Instagram. Nibbling on my nails I sighed not in the mood to drive at all. I just needed to chill a bit before I could pull off.

Although I was staring at my phone my mind was elsewhere. I never find out what happened to that guy that robbed me. I know Quincy said he'd handle it but he never bought it up so that was odd. Although I didn't want to believe he or even Dylan handled the situation in a lifeless way I know one of them did. I just prayed eventually their way of living would change. Especially Quincy for our baby and Dylan for his son.

Shaking my head to dismiss the thoughts I turned on my music and drove to Walmart in Torrance since it was the closest.
I drove looking for a parking spot closest to the door. There was no reason why Walmart was packed every damn day.

When I finally found one not too far I parked and got out.

~Need anything from Walmart?        5:35

I held my phone in my hand waiting for a response. Kissing my teeth from how long he was taking I put my phone in my fanny pack and continued inside.

I didn't need a lot of things but I definitely needed to get items for Blu; the only reason why I came.

Grabbing a cart I walked through each aisle grabbing what I needed and wanted. To my surprise, the shelves weren't completely empty like they usually were. Quickly turning my cart so it wouldn't hit the kids doing cartwheels in the middle of the aisle I sighed. I needed to get the hell out of here. Where were their parents?

Shaking my head I turned my attention back to the jars of pickles, something I hated but wanted so badly all of a sudden.

Squatting down to get a closer view of the tags I read over the different prices and brands. Since I wasn't a pickle eater I didn't know which one was best. They all looked the same to me.

"I guess I'll try this one" I said examining the Vlasic Kosher Dill Spears bottle. As I prepped myself to get up I heard a loud scream in front of my cart. I immediately got up looking over to see. The little girl who was just playing had I'm assuming hit something. She was crying hysterically as another girl tried to make her be quiet.

"Oh my God" I rushed over. Bending down I lifted her up from laying on the ground. She continued crying with her bottom lip out. Her skin was tan with big hazel eyes, she looked to be about 5 years old.

"Aw sweetie calm down. It's just a little boo-boo. Okay?" I said. Nodding she pointed her little brown finger at the bruise forming on her exposed bottom leg. Pouting at her puppy dog eyes I stuck my hand out to help her get up.

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