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Excuse Errors...


I had been in Jersey for twelve hours now and I was already whining to go back home.

It was sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, being away from Quin, and being around my whole family for me.

Wouldn't recommend it.

Just that quick they were getting on my nerves. Bombarding me with questions and we didn't even get to the real people we came to see. These were only coming from my siblings since my parents knew everything now.

Laying on my back I scrolled through my phone. With my lips poked out, I sighed.
I miss my fiancé.

Smiling at the thought of now introducing him as my soon to be husband I looked at my diamond ring locking and dropping my cell.

Twisting it on my finger I kissed it stretching out my arms. A knock was heard as my handle jiggled.

Rolling my eyes I got up and unlocked it. I was sharing a room with Malai—
Well, we weren't really sharing a space but we had a connecting door in between or rooms. Thanks to my scary baby daddy who didn't want me staying completely in a room alone. He spent 20 minutes tryna convince us to have something as such.

To shut him up I agreed. I didn't mind anyway it was just cute listening to him tell me how worried he was.

But that was beside the point...

Whoever was knocking held heavy force so it wasn't Malai looking for me.

Swinging the door open I placed my hand on my hip.

"Yes," I spoke looking at 6 foot 1 Dylan.

"I like how I'm the last one to know about this engagement"

"It just happened. You were kicked out of Cali cause you're a criminal, remember?"

"Rina shut up" He walked in and sat on the seat that accompanied the brown table.

"Come on. Lemme see"

Walking over to him I stuck out my hand.

"Ain't this something" He shook his head.
"Congratulations little girl" He leaned back in the chair.

"I'm looking for a better apology, not congratulations"

"Ugh" He threw his head back.
"Stink I'm sorry" He dragged.

"But..." I started.

"But nothing...
I shouldn't have spoken to you that way. If that nigga meant physical harm I wouldn't expect you to be acting like everything was so fine and dandy" He apologized like I wanted.
"I know you better than that"

"And?" I folded my arms.

"I don't wanna beatcho nigga ass no more. I would have been on Carter's neck too. You, not a sell-out, you ain't deserve that. I was wrong and mad at the time so forgive me. I do wanna talk to him though. How you pregnant already? Y'all must have done a lot of praying"

Confused I laughed realizing he was tryna say we prayed for me to have a baby rather than had sex.

"Okay, Dylan" I gestured to the door.

"Nigga I said sorry why you kicking me out?"

"Because I want to sleep. I'm tired"

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