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Stepping into his house the air conditioning smacked his face.

"Daddy" Ro yelled jumping up from the couch and running to him.

"Hey baby" He picked her up and kissed her head.
"Whatchu doing in here?"

"I'm playing your game. See look" She pointed to his PlayStation.

Looking to the screen he had to shut his eyes for a second realizing she probably messed up his stats.

"Why aren't you playing your game"

"I don't know" She smiled hugging his neck. "Are these for me?" She pointed to the flowers.

"No, for mommy. Let's watch a movie instead" He said.

"Can we watch lion king? You know that movie daddy?"

"Yeah, I do. We can watch that. Where's mommy?"

"She was sleeping in your bed. She came home from work really sleepy" Her soft voice spoke.

"Where nana go?"

"To see Taylin"

"She said she's coming back?"


Nodding his head he made a mental note to either call her or go to her home. He had planned on going to the hospital tomorrow to see the baby and bring Royalty to see also.

Kissing her forehead he placed her on her feet.
"Set the movie up. You can do that?" He questioned as she smiled and ran over to the big flat-screen TV and pizza box.

"Yes" She nodded with a smile.

She was so young but was tech-savvy. He just knew his daughter was gonna grow up to do something technology-related. She was highly intelligent and if she didn't know something she was gonna figure it out.

Taking his shoes off he put them to the corner. He took off his jacket as well then hung it up and made his way to the stairway.

With each step, a nervous feeling washed over him. He was really gonna do it.

I'm really finna do this, he thought.

Walking down the hallway his socks rubbed against the soft carpet as he leaned his head over. Peeking in the room Lora was indeed curled up in the bed and sleep.

Putting the box in his back pocket he placed the flowers on the ground before entering the room. Walking over to her he kissed her lips.

Opening her eyes she smiled at him.

"Wassup" He replied taking his jewelry off. "I ain't mean to wake you"

"I wasn't sleeping. Just laying here. Your daughter woke me up"

"She down there playing my damn game" He took his jeans off.

"Not surprised. She came running in here jumping on me screaming she's hungry then asking to do my makeup. She needs a pet or something"

"I might get her a dog. Since she saw Carina's that's all she's been talking about"

"I was thinking about that too. It'll give her something to do when she's home and bored"

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