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"Sariyah kill yourself"

We were currently going to Matthew's house. I was bringing Sariyah with me just in case he tried something. I didn't know him that well and although I didn't think he would be on some rapey stuff I wanted to bring her for precaution. Plus we hadn't hung out in a couple of days.

"I'm just saying. No nigga asks someone to help decorate their house on some friendly shit. He tryna take your panties off"

"No he's not and if that's true why you think your here? So he'll take your panties off instead"

"Listen if he fine and clean he gladly can. I'm single you not" She tapped away on her phone.

"Uh no ma'am I'm single as well"

"Bitchhhh, y'all broke up and you're just now telling me" She dramatically turned to me.

"We were never together. He never asked me sooo" I shrugged.

I didn't want to tell him, but it bothered me that he still hasn't made whatever this is official yet. Like what are you doing on the low that you don't want to make me your girlfriend? It's actually toying with my insecurities a little because it's like we're acting like a couple already. We had sex already which is something I never did this early with someone and he even took care of me when I had that issue a while back.

"Y'all been messing around for 2 months and he's still holding back from asking you. Nah something ain't right rina"

"I know, I know. I don't want to pressure him though. It's not that deep to me but it is weird. You know me though. I don't like questioning people so I'm avoiding the topic from now on unless he brings it up"

"Umm. What's up with that ex of his? I still owe her an ass whooping but we'll talk about that later" Laughing I nodded. It's been on sight since I found out me being robbed was her doing. Luckily I had changed bags that morning. I only had a little cash on me and one card so I was able to prevent them from stealing all my money. I locked the card and called for a new one the next morning. I did go through with calling the cops and they had found my car stranded somewhere and all my stuff was still in it
so they really didn't get anything from me except for my house keys and car keys.

They never found him so I dropped the case, I was over it. I was just beating her ass when I see her period. She had me so chopped like really sis? Over a man?

"You think she may be the reason for him holding back from you?" She asked.

Biting my bottom lip I concentrated on the road. I never thought of it that way.

Was she?

He did tell me some things about their relationship and it did sound like he really cared for her. Hell even loved her so is she the reason?

"I don't know... Riya can we drop it? I can't think straight right now"

Putting her hands up in surrender she went back to her phone. Sighing I put the radio on and turned it up. Damn her, now imma be thinking about this shit all day.

Pulling up to Matthew's house he was sitting on his steps obviously waiting for us.

"Ow bitch you sure you don't want this guy!" She asked staring at him.

"Positive. Shoot your shot"

Smiling she fluffed her hair then jumped out the car. Fast ass.

"Matthew hey" I walked up to him giving him a hug.
"This is my friend-"

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