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I found myself in my mirror pulling my freshly braided hair over my shoulders. I decided to try something new so I got braids down to almost my knees.

Crazy, I know.

The hours it took for me to sit in that chair was unbelievable. It was so long. Luckily for me, I got them big so that speeded up the process but Lord did my butt hurt. Not to mention my head as well.

My mom had poured some moose over my head causing the pain to leave my scalp. I felt like a kid again. I had my mom tending to my every need and my dad being annoying and wanting to cuddle and talk with me before he went to bed.

At first, it was so annoying but now I liked it. It gave me the chance to get even closer with my parents and that usually made my days during this pregnancy.

I didn't break the news to my dad though since I wasn't ready. I knew he'd want to have a long talk with not only me but Quincy. I also knew I'd have to briefly tell him everything that had been going on like I did with my mother.

The only difference was my mom was more understanding and a great listener. My dad on the only had was super nice but when it came to his girls he usually had a fit. I tell my dad and not only was Quin in trouble but Dylan and Carter.

It might have seemed like please, what was your fifty-year-old father gonna do but we knew not to mess with him. The boys especially. Carter begging our sweet mother not to tell my dad he put his hands on me should be enough clarification about my crazy father.

He didn't feel the need to beg me because he knew I wouldn't snitch. I should, but I wasn't. Even in times like this, I wanted to keep my sibling best friend out of trouble when he didn't deserve it.

Hearing a soft knock on my door I looked towards it.
"It's unlocked" I said.

The doorknob turned as my mom walked in.
"What are you doing?" She came in and stood next to me at the mirror.

Exhaling deeply I smiled at her.
"Nothing just checking out these long braids"

"I like them. They look so pretty on you maybe I should try it"

"You should! Then we can be twins" I said realizing how much we looked alike.

It was scary but I literally had her whole face minus the pretty little freckles coloring her brown skin.

"We're already twins you look just like me" She laughed.

"I thought you said I looked like Papi?"

"Oh, I lied" She sat on the bed.
"You were getting on my nerves I had to hit it where it hurts"

"Wow" I laughed.

As a kid I used to always flaunt around how I and my mother looked the most alike. That used to cause a lot of arguments in the house and a lot of stings thrown at our dad. I remember one night he was so mad nobody wanted to look like him that he went out and bought a pizza and wouldn't let anybody eat it but him. At the time I was highly upset but now it was pretty funny.

The girls looked most like my mom while the boys mimicked my dad so he really also won in the end.

"You and daddy are meant for each other. Y'all both rude"

"Welp and that's why he's my husband" She showed her beautiful large ring.

When he first proposed her ring was much smaller since they couldn't afford anything spectacular with two babies. Since then he upgraded her especially because she deserved it. They went through every struggle together and she produced six great kids, his most prized possessions. To him, she deserved the universe and he made sure he gave it to her as much as he could.

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