Part 1

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"What's up logang whats popin..." he paused then a air horn went off. I realized once I saw Logan laughing his ass off I fell of my bed. "Fuck you Logan! Just fuck off." I yelled at him.

"Bj get ready your going to Jakes." He said in the cocky tune. Before I got dress I winked at Brendan and Logan the played the best song ever

He lunged at me but I dodged him and he fell face first. I was laughing my ass off and so was Brendan. I winked at Logan before I walked into my bathroom. "LOGANG I THINK SHE WANTS PRANK WAR WHAT DO YOU THINK!" "Logan shut up." I said hearing Brendan laugh.

I walked out to Logan's room to take his extra vlog camera.
"WHATS GOING ON IN THE REAL WORLD PEOPLE, let's see what maverick is doing." I walked over to maverick and he attacked me like always. "Ok good mood like always." I said ducking and falling at the same time.

I heard people laughing behind me and I looked over to see Logan, mark, George, wdw boys, and Brendan. I winked at the boys behind my brother and Brendan. I acted like I was having a panic attack. Logan rushed over to me and Brendan's face drop but soon realize I was acting. Everyone else knew when I'm acting so they are just standing there watching and recording on my vlog.

I got up "weakly" and motioned Logan to come closer. "Logan the only thing to make this go away is to give me kong, your house, and all your subscribers." I said adding a cough at the end. 

"HELL NO!" I then faked died. Logan was playing along with me and yelled no. I got up laughing, "don't mess with the prank princess." I heard Brendan mumble 'my prank princess' but I acted like I didn't hear him.

I grabbed my vlog from mark, "What should I do to prank Jake today when I get to the house." I looked at Logan with a smirk, we stared to evilly laugh with each other. My idea is to act like mark is a kidnaper and will "break" in to the team 10 and bring me to the. Wdw house and acted like I was kidnaped.
I walked in with out anyone noticing me so I decided to have some fun humm who first. Perfect Nathan while he is recording. I watched as Jake and Tessa walked to the lagoon and he picked her up and held her over the lagoon. I walked over to Nathan and held my finger over my mouth so they won't blow my cover. I screamed as Nathen fell in to the lagoon. I fell to the ground laughing my ass off. Before I handed my camera to Kade to get it on my vlog and it was the best moment in my life.

I texted Mark that it was go time. I was talking to Jake about my scare then there was a knock at the door then we heard a bang up stairs and Jake put me behind him and we started walking up the stairs then the person then grabbed me and dragged me to Logan's car and speed off. I high-5ed Logan, mark, and Brendan. Then Logan got a call and it was from Jake he declined it and we drove to the wdw house.


Hey guys I decided to edit this early. 

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