Part 8

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I woke up and felt arms around me. I moved closer to him and took a picture.

BjjPaul: babe😍😘Comments disabled

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BjjPaul: babe😍😘
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I felt Brendan start to move. I looked at him the same time he opened his eyes. "Hey morning baby." I said kissing his cheek. He started to kissed my neck, I wrapped my arm around his next and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled me closer and kissed my nose. I pushed my head into his chest and kissed it. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. Logan started to call me,

Hey Logan what's up
Um I need Brendan
Ok I'll tell him and we're be there in 20 minutes

I hung up and got off the bed and went to his closet where I had some cloth in there. "Babe where are you going." He said wrapping his arms around me. 

"Logan needs you, so get dressed." I said. He nodded and took some pants and stood there, I'm guessing to find a shirt. "Here take this one." I said giving him a shirt that was white and has holes at the bottom. He kissed my cheek and walked to the bathroom. I found my outfit and changed into it. Brendan walked in with some milk. He put it down so I went and took his milk and had it. I walked out and put it in the sink and walked back in and saw Brendan laying on his bed on his phone. I sat on his lap then felt two arms pull me down onto him, he moved his head to my neck and we stayed like that for awhile. 

Logan was spamming our phones and we decided to get going. Brendan was filming for Logan at the apartment and the twins and Kent are probably bored. I walked into my room and saw Tyler on a air mattes and the couple in my bed. The only one awake was Taylor, I gestured her to come. "Yes." She said after shutting the door. "You want some girl time, we can invite Dakota." "Yes I'll call her." Taylor came out of my room dressed in a white dress and a army green jacket.

" Taylor came out of my room dressed in a white dress and a army green jacket

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I took Logan's challenger and drove to the Why Don't We house. We got there and Taylor went to the front door and knocked. The door opened to reveal Dakota, she was wearing one of Jacks oversized shirts as a dress. We went to the grove and got some stuff.

 We went to the grove and got some stuff

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I got a call from Jake,

Hey Bj I want you to be in my video
What are we going to do
Who's the better kisser
Jake I can't I have a boyfriend
Ok fine I'll find another person bye sis
Bye bro
I got back from dropping Dakota and Taylor off at the Why Don't We house. I went inside and saw Brendan sitting on the couch, he looked up and sent me a smile, I did it back. I changed into something comfy

I sat down next to Brendan and had my head on his shoulder

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I sat down next to Brendan and had my head on his shoulder. He put his phone down and faced me, he kissed me. "Night babe." He whispered. "Night Bren." I said kissing his cheek and cuddling more into his chest.


LoganPaul: I'm dead when they wake up but I'm a savage

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LoganPaul: I'm dead when they wake up but I'm a savage

Username: yes finally they are so cute
Hater: eww they are so gross Brendan can do way better
Zachherron: your so dead Logan
Kongdasavage: savage
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