Part 36

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I woke up late in the afternoon in Brendan's room, but he is no where to be seen. I got out of bed and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Brendan sitting on the bed with his phone in hand.

"Hi, good morning. Babe." I said when he wasn't going to talk.

"Hey baby girl. Sorry logan kinda needs me but he can wait." He said standing up and grabbing my waist.

"I don't want Logan to yell at me, so go but I'll meet you down stairs. I love you babe." I said pecking his lips.

"I love you to Bj" He said kissing my cheek.

Brendan grabbed his phone and walked out shutting the door behind him. I grabbed my phone and my keys and walked out the door and shutting it. When I walked down the stairs I saw Logan and Brendan talking not even looking up when I came down.

"Guys," They both looked up. "I'm go big out for a few hours." I said hugging Logan and kissing Brendan's cheek.

I walked out the front door and to my car.


I pull up to the house about 3 hours later, I picked up my things and walked through the front door. The first person to see me is Brendan and he chuckled when he saw me.

"It's about time you got a dog." He said standing up and walking to me.

He grabbed a few things from my hands and followed me to my room. We both set down what was in our hands (she did put the dog down).

"What I'm I going to name you? Your very cute and I need the perfect name for you." I sat on the bed with my dog laying on his back leaning on my legs.

Logan walked into my room and saw my dog. "Oh my gosh you got a dog. What is its name?"

"First off it is a boy and second and can't think of a name. He almost reminds me of a dragon." I said looking down at him.

"What about Draco, it means dragon." Brendan said.

"Smart ass." I mumbled and Brendan glared at me in return. "I like that, what about you, do you like Draco?" I said asking the dog on my lap.

He didn't do anything.

"I'll take that as a yes, well Draco welcome to team Maverick." Logan said.

Logan left and Brenden sat next to me and pulled me closer to him.

"Now we have a family Brenden, this is our son Draco." I said looking up at him.

Brendan moved me to his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.


BjjPaul welcome to the family Draco

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BjjPaul welcome to the family Draco. Brendan and I are parents.

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Draco fell asleep on my lap while Brendan had to go back with Logan. Draco started to move then he opened his eyes.

"Come on let's meet every one." I said to him.

I grabbed him and put him on the floor. I walked out and he followed me. When we reached the stairs Logan was being his normal self with Brenden videotaping but they stopped when they saw me.

"Oh logang this is the dog I was talking about, this is Draco Brendan and Bj's child."

I started walking down the stairs but he is hesitant and backs out. "Aw this is too cute." I said as I was picking him up. "Draco this is your dad," I said pointing to Brendan. "This is uncle Logan," I pointed to Logan. "And I don't know where everyone else is so we can do that later, but first we need Kong."

I spotted Kong in the kitchen and I called him over. I then put Draco down next to him and they started sniffing each and then they sat to play.

"They are going to be the Bestest of friends." I said as I started walking to Brendan.

Since he's sitting down I sat on his lap, he wrapped one arm around my waist and I put my hand in his.

"Why do you guys have to act all love-each-other in front of me." Logan said as he was gagging.

"Not my fault you might be forever alone." I said smirking.

Logan acted hurt while Brenden put his head in my shoulder trying to hide the fact that he's smiling.

"Bye boys I'm going back upstairs. Please don't do anything stupid, both of you." I said as I was hugging Logan then I pecked Brendan's lips.

Draco followed me upstairs, well I had to carry him upstairs. I looked down and saw Brendan looking at me, I wink and lifted my shirt up a little. He started coughing then Logan took the camera from him and asked if he was good, like 'you gud bro'. I smiled and walked to my room and got dressed into a oversized shirt. I grabbed my phone a started playing music kinda loud but it will block any noise coming in or out.

I guess I fell asleep because Brendan was shaking me awake. When he saw that I opened my eyes he sat next to me and grabbed my thighs then moved me to his lap.

"You know better then to tease me, maybe this will make you learn." He said as he got closer to my face then he kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss started to get rougher. I pulled away and pushed him down onto my bed, I got closer as I was talking his shirt off. Well after that you can guess what happened.

I woke up hearing the shower on  (Brenden turned the music off after um... you know). The shower stopped and a few minutes later Brendan opened the door, only with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did you sleep well." He said taking his clothes from my dresser (we both keep clothes in each other's room).

"I'm going to take a shower." I said grabbing a shirt from the floor.

"No don't put a shirt on it covers the amazing view." Brendan said smirking.

I slapped his chest and grabbed his hand to pull him in the bathroom with me.

"I'm going to take a shower, while you change." Brendan pouted and crossed his arms. "Your adorable Bren."

I turned on the shower and took off the shirt.


I walked out with a towel wrapped around me. I grabbed my cloths from my dresser and got dress.

I walked to Brendan's room where I found him laying on his bed

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I walked to Brendan's room where I found him laying on his bed. I can tell he was almost asleep but I fell on top of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I had mine around his neck.


Sorry it took forever and that's it's a crappy chapter but the next on I'll try to update soon.

But good news is, it's almost my birthday. It's next Friday and I'm super excited.

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