Part 31

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"Wake up wake up, and get dressed in something else." I groaned and rolled my eyes when he walked away.

I sat up and fell off my bed. I rolled over and struggled to sit up. I walked back to my closet and looked around not really doing anything but look.

 I walked back to my closet and looked around not really doing anything but look

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I walked out and ran out to my car. I blasted my music and moved my seat back then put my feet on the steering wheel and laid back.

I've stayed like that for a long time,  my eyes started to get heavier. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a bang on my car window. I groaned and unlocked my door. 

Brendan opened the door and turned down my music down.

"I was listening to that."

"I don't care." I glared at him.

"I hate you."

"Sorry love, but we both know that you love me."

"stupid" i muttered under my breath.

I started driving around not knowing where I was going, he didn't tell me where, then
Brendan told me to drive to the Hollywood sign.
I was able to find a parking spot. I locked my car and grabbed Brendan's hand as he was waiting for me.

About half an hour of walking, I tugged on Brendan's hand, holding him back.

"My legs hurt, and I want to go home." He rolled his eyes and squatted down.

I jumped on his back, as he was about to walk away.

We reached the top when the sun was setting. I was to busy admiring the sunset I didn't see who walked up.

The sun completely set and I turned around.

I was shook at what I saw.

Ohhh I wonder what is going to happen.

Oh wait I already know.
I'll try to update before Christmas but if not then merry Christmas. But I'll most likely update before 2018.

See you when I see you👋👋

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now