Part 4

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I woke up to a plate breaking at my door. I got up and got dressed, "Logang it didn't work we have to do plan b."

I walked out as Logan shot fake kong at me. I fell back. "You idiot  Logan I'm on crutches." Brendan helped me up and to the couch. I checked the time and it is 12:45. I got up with the help with the couch and limped to my room and picked out a black tank top crop top, and floral skirt.

The time was 1:03
I got my crutches and walked out to see Brendan all ready.


Brendan helped me out of the car and we walked to this

Brendan helped me sit then he sat down and brought me closer to him

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Brendan helped me sit then he sat down and brought me closer to him. I yawned, "You can fall asleep if you want." He whispered. I cuddled more into his chest and closed my eyes.

I woke up in my bed with Brendan. I kissed his cheek and got up, I limped out to the kitchen. Few minutes later Brendan walked out. I waved to him and he smiled back. He sat on the couch and I brought him some food and sat down next to him.

I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. He kissed my shoulder and leaned his head on it and I leaned my head on his. We stayed like that then we heard banging. I grabbed Brendan's hand and we both walked, well I had used Brendan as support. Brendan opened the door to see the wdw boys and two other people.

I limped back to the couch and took my computer. I was editing and decided to text the Grire twins.

Hey guys I'm bored let's plan
I love the way you think Bj
So what day are you free
Um Wednesday next week
Cool that would work for me but I would have Logan pick you guys up I have a doctors appointment.
Ok then see you then
I gtg
Same so see you guys later

I looked up to see Brendan staring at me. "You know staring is rude right." He groaned and I smirked.

"Anyway this is Drew and Dakota." I waved and smiled. "So this girl is Jack's new girlfriend," they both nodded, "Dakota right," she nodded, "Well there is something's you need to know about noddles over there." I said smirking at Jack, he glared at me.

I grabbed Brendan's hand and pulled down to sit, he pulled me on his lap. Logan rushed in and stopped in his track. I rushed my head in Brendan's chest. Logan nodded and walked to his room. Me and Brendan both looked surprised.

I looked at Brendan and he looked back then I got up and grabbed his hand. I pulled him in my room and shot the door. Brendan pushed me up against a wall lightly and kissed me, I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We both pulled away and I pecked his lips, "would you like to be my beautiful girlfriend," he whispered. "I would love to, but" he looked worried. "But would you like to be my handsome boyfriend." He nodded and kissed me again. I kissed him back and pushed him on my bed, I pulled away and lead my head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head . I smiled against his chest, I heard him chuckle. I felt his grip around me loosen, then I was out.

And that ladies and gentlemen is (how whatever their ship is) started.

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