Part 27

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(Because I'm extremely lazy and haven't updated in years I'm going to have the chapter take place when the are back in la and it's a few days before thanksgiving, also I'm going to try something and I hope you like it. Give me you thoughts about it.)

I woke up with a feeling that someone was staring at me, I opened my eye and saw Brendan looking at me.

Bj- Um hello Brendan, um why are you staring at me?

B- I was wondering what you are doing for thanksgiving?

I grabbed his hand.

Bj- nothing actually.

B- well I'm going back home and I was wondering if you wanted to came with me.

Bj- yeah I'll like that.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Bj- I love you.

B- love you too

We both leaned in and kissed. I pulled away and laid back down.

B- no don't lay down, get up and do something.

I groaned then got up and dressed.

Bj- I'm going to hang out with Jakey.

He nodded.

Bj- oh and I'm taking your car.

B- please don't crash.

Bj- that was one time.

He smiled and pulled me into a hug. And kissed my head I closed my eyes and walked back and pulled him with me, we fell on my bed.

B- we really should go.

He tried getting up but I pulled him down.

Bj- no don't go.

He rolled over so I was on top and kissed my cheek repeatedly.

B- I love you but I have to go.

Bj- I want to stay in bed with you all day, please.

I was straddling him and and my hands cupped his face and pushed his cheeks together then kissed him, he held my wrists. I pulled away and looked at him and smiled.

Bj- your cute I love it.

I got up and walked out of my room. I heard someone running, then I was tackled to the ground.

Bj- ow, I thought you wanted me to leave.

B- I never what you to leave.

He said whispering, I kissed him and tried to pull away but Brendan held my head so I couldn't. I had my hands in his hair.

L- eww gross, Brendan I told you to get her up not make out on the floor.

I smiled, felt him smile, both not pulling away(I'm done)He moved one of his hands to my cheek and started rubbing his thumb against it. I smiled even bigger.

L- guys seriously stop, it's very gross.

We finally pulled away, I looked up at Logan and smirked.

Bj- ok I love you both, I'm going to Jakey's place.

B- wait babe, please don't crash my car and be safe.

I nodded and kissed his cheek then I walked to Brendan's car.

When I got there the house was empty. I sighed and walked back to the car. I called Brendan to see what he is doing.

B- hi Bj
Bj- hi um what are you doing, Jake isn't home and I have no other friends. (Who can relate)
B-Um we are actually getting breakfast right know then we will go back home.
Bj- ok I'm going to meet you guys at home, bye Bren? I love you.
B- love you too.

I hung up and drove back home. When I was half way home I decided to get a car. I drove to the bmw dealership.

Got a bmw i8,

(It's sexy, isn't it😏)I called Evan to drive Brendan's car back home while I take mine

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(It's sexy, isn't it😏)
I called Evan to drive Brendan's car back home while I take mine.

I pulled up and saw Logan vlogging, everyone stopped what the we're doing and looked very confused. I called Brendan to get his reaction without saying it's mine.

Bj- hi Brendan.
B- hi babe, where are you.
Bj- Almost home why

I heard him speak but not to me.

B- she said she's almost home, it can't be her.
Bj- Brendan what's going on.
B- someone was following Evan home in my car(Evan had a friend with him)
Bj- wait I just pulled up, bye Brendan.
B- bye.

I got out and all their eyes where wide. I was smirking.

B- dude my girlfriend is a bad ass.

He walked over to me and kissed me.

L- did you name it.

I nodded.

Bj- black surge

He nodded in approval. I locked my car and grabbed Brendan's hand and dragged him with me.

L- wait I still need him.
Bj- no you don't.

I heard him groaned. I dragged Brendan upstairs and to my room. I let go of his hand and walked to my closet, I got dressed into spandex and took of my shirt reveling a sports bra.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer then kissed him. He started walking closer to my bed, I turned him around and pushed him onto my bed. I pulled away and snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head, I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep with Brendan rubbing my back.
Did y'all miss me. Did you like what I did with the story, I don't know if I should keep it.

I want you guys to get to know me better but you guys are going to ask me questions.

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