Part 22

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For some reason I woke up to early, Brendan was still asleep. His grip was to tight for me to get out of. I turned around to face him,

"Brenden I have to get ready."

"What time is it."

"It's 7 Brendan."

"Baby it's to early stay with me." I kissed his cheek as he pulled me into him. I fell asleep again.

This time I woke up to Logan banging on his door. I opened my eyes and saw Brendan sitting on his bed. He was looking at me.

"Can you be any creepier." He chuckled and grabbed my hand, he kissed it and pulled me into a hug. Logan was still pounding on the door. "What is it idiot."

"Don't call me an idiot." Logan said.

"Bitch." I mumbled, Brenden laughed and walked to open the door.

"Look you long enough." Logan said. 

I rolled my eyes. "Can I help you?" I asked Logan.

"I need you and Brendan for a video." Brendan grabbed his camera, he tried to take my hand but I dodged it and ran out to my room. I returned from my room dressed for the day.

"Hey smexy." He smirked. He pulled me closer and kissed me. Logan cleared his throat as Brenden was moving his hand down. My cheeks were hot, so were Brendan's.

"So... um today we have the forklift for one more day." Logan said. Brendan nodded and walked back and grabbed my hand.

Skip the forklift segment

Jake called me and said we are having dinner with the parents.
(Their parents if you got confused) I did not know mom us in la.

"Hey mama. Why didn't you tell me you were back?" I said hugging her.

"I missed you to Bj, so I hear you have a boyfriend."

"Don't you know who he is, don't you watch you kids vlogs."

"I do but I've been busy."

"It's Brendan."

"Aww you guys are so cute together."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too sweetie." We hugged again.

Skip the rest of the night

We got home to all the lights off. I used my phone flashlight as a walked over to Brendan's room. I saw his light still on.

"Hey baby it's late why are you still up it's late." I said once I entered the room.

"I was waiting for you."

"Babe you look like you can pass out any minute." I walked over to him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. He groaned instantly regretting it. "Aww baby did that hurt." I teased.

"Nah just... ok you right." He closed his eyes as what I think he passed out. I kissed his cheek and walked out to my room, I grabbed a oversized hoodie and had spandex. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

Sorry I didn't update over the weekend.
Sorry it's short too.
I might not update tomorrow due to Halloween but I'll try.

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