Part 17

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I woke up cuddled up with Brendan, he looked so cute Ahhh. I didn't notice I was staring at him, a voice kicked me out of my thoughts. 

"Baby girl your staring." He said laughing then went to kiss my cheek. I smiled and got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I was playing music pretty loud, knocking was heard and muffled yelling. I opened my door and saw Logan.

"I'm trying to vlog and I don't want to be copyrighted." I nodded and walked out. I walked to the kitchen and saw nothing to eat.

"Boys you want to go somewhere?" I asked. They all nodded, I grabbed my keys and Brendan walked over to me and grabbed my hand and we walked out to my car. I made Logan sit in the back, but it was a big mistake because he kept on whining. "Logan if you don't shut up I will let maverick fly away." I said smirking, he pouted and stayed quiet. Brendan chuckled and squeezed my hand. We finally made it, Logan was the first out of my car.

Skip to where they get back

When we got back, I dropped Logan of at his apartment and drove to Brendan's apartment. When we arrived I saw a girl I never saw before and she looked like she was looking for someone, when Brendan saw her his eyes lit up and he ran out of the car to her. I was confused at what was happening but I got out of the car and walked over to them who were still hugging. I cleared my throat to get their attention, Brendan looked at me and held his hand out for me to grab. He pulled me closer and began to speak,

"Angie this is my girlfriend Bj,
Bj this is my best friend from home Angie." Brendan said. She stuck her hand out for me to shake, at first I was hesitant but I shook her hand. Silence was what happened next till Brendan broke it. "So how about we head up to the apartment and catch up."

Angie nodded and Brendan let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked up to his door and I had to unlock it because he was to busy talking with Angie to do it, honestly I think I'm jealous. When I walked in I felt tried so went to his bed and collapsed on it, I heard the two talking on his couch. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom and got into the shower. I got out and changed into Brendan's hoodie with no pants on. I walked out of his room to see Brendan's arm around her and he was kissing her cheek.

"Brendan can I talk to you," I said trying not to cry but my voice cracked while I was talking.

"What is it baby?"

"Are you sure she is just a friend?" I said with tears going down my cheeks.

"She is only a friend and nothing more. D-do you not trust me."

"I-I do I-its that you are acting like you have a crush on her."

"Baby I haven't seen her in a long time, a-are you jealous?" I sighed and looked down not wanting him to see me cry. "Baby there is nothing going on between her and I we are just friends and would only be friends. I-I love you Bj, you mean the world to me."

"I need some air... I'll be back I promise." I got up and kissed his cheek. I grabbed his sweatpants and put them on then walked out the door to my car. I was driving to a park when I zoned out at a red light, I was brought back into reality when someone honked at me. I started driving again until I stopped at another red light.

3rd person

A car was driving through a green light when another car ran the red light running straight into the drier side of the car. The unlucky victim was Bj, the last thing she remembered was a lot of shouting before she blacked out.

You could of saw the crash coming but who cares I needed some drama. Sorry for not updating in for ever I've been busy.

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