part 35

588 13 3

Just a reminder before you read this. I'm not from California and I've never been so I don't know what it's like any where I write.

I woke up next to Brendan, his arm around my waist rubbing it. I looked up and saw him looking at me.

"Can we do something today." I said.

"Like what." Brendan said as let go of my waist.

I shot up and got all excited. " Brendan can we please go to Disney land. Brendan please." I begged like a little kid.

"Ok ok calm down Bj your not 5." I pouted.

"But I want to be 5." I whined crossing my arms.

"Go get dressed, but you have to drive." I jumped up and ran to my room.

I got dressed in a maroon skirt and a white and black shirt, with a black jacket (I think). I grabbed my keys, wallet, and my phone and walked downstairs. I saw Brendan leaning on a counter with a mug in his hand.

"Do girls really take that long." I said confused, he is wearing a black shirt with white jeans and his dirty white yeezys.

"Come on we don't have all day." He said sticking his hand out for me to grab.

"Wait I have to say bye to Logan." I ran back upstairs to Logan's room. "Logan me and Brendan are going to Disney, so bye." I said hugging him.

He said bye back and I ran downstairs again. Brendan was just putting down his mug.

"Ok I'm ready." I said.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out to my car.


A few hours later we arrived and I'm bouncing I'm seat. I turned off the car and got out.

"Come on Brendan we don't have all day." I said grabbing his hand. 

We walked through the entrance hand and hand.

"Thank you so much Brenden! I love you, I love you." I said when we reached the castle.

I walked in front of him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his around my waist. I got on my tiptoes and kissed him.

"I love you too love." He said then kissed me again.

It's been a few hours and the last thing I wanted to do is to watch the sunset here.

"I haven't said this today but you're very cute right now." He said kissing my cheek.

"Well I can say that you look very handsome right now. I think is the light but wow." I said giggling.

He smiled and put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled into his chest.

The sun is completely gone and we're about to leave but I pulled my phone out and gave it to some while Brendan wasn't looking. I nodded at the stranger to take it and at the same time I pulled Brenden into a kiss. He pulled away and whispered I love you, I giggled and got my phone back.


BjjPaul I'm head over heels for this boy

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BjjPaul I'm head over heels for this boy. love you baby

Brendannorth I'm head over heels for this girl

Username you guys are so cute together

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Loganpaul I saw them talking in the kitchen like this

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Loganpaul I saw them talking in the kitchen like this

Username1 so cute

Username5 they have the most weirdest relationship 

Jackaverymusic Bj is weirder then you wouldn't be surprised if she made him do it.

Corbynbesson shes worse then Zach

ZachHerron you shouldn't say that Corbyn when your in the same room as me


Sorry it's short but it's hard to do something when Logan hasn't post a vlog in forever.

I'm a little sick right now so I hope I can't got to school tomorrow so I can work on another chapter.


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