Part 46

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I woke up to Brendan moving around. I opened my eyes and saw Brendan looking for clothes to wear, while he has a towel wrapped around his waist. Rolled over and checked the time. 6:55.

"Brendan why are you up so early?" I asked. He turned around.

"Photo shoot. After that we can watch movies on the couch." He said putting a shirt on.

I closed my eyes moved to get comfortable. It felt weird to be on a big bed with no one next to me. I opened my eyes again and saw Brendan completely dressed. He grabbed his keys and was almost out the door before I stopped him.

"Are you forgetting something?" I asked.

He walked back over to me. Leaned down and kissed my lips. "I love you and I'll see you in a few hours." He said when he pulled away.

"I love you too." I said kissing him one more time. I rolled back over and fell asleep.

I woke up to the door opening and then closing. I opened my eyes and saw Brendan walking over. "What time is it?" I asked as I just woke up.

"Almost 1. Did you just wake up?" He asked. Giving me a weird look. I nodded sat up.

"Sit with me." I said to him. He sat down in front of me. "So you know how we are having twins?" He nodded. "We need names."

We decided he is going to name the girls and I'm going to name the boys. "For girls, Lilian Kaylee North and Charlotte Emma North." He said.

"Leo Grant North and Liam Miles North." I said smiling at him.

3 months later

Today we have our check up. Brendan sat in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger seat. It took and hour to get there and 30 minuets till we where called in.

I laid down on the chair thingy. The doctor did their retinue and then walked out of the room to get the results. When the doctor came back in. She had a look on her face. I knew something bad was about to be said. I squeezed Brendan's hand. He squeezed back and wrapped an comforting arm around me.

She took and deep breath and began to speak. "I'm sorry to say but one of your babies has a 75% chance of making it. I and a lot of the other doctors will do everything will can." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

She walked out and I looked at Brendan with teary eyes. "Hey baby don't cry. The baby has a better chance of making it then not." He said.

"How is that supposed to make me feel better." I mumbled.

"Baby promise me you won't cry. Let's go somewhere fun." Brendan said.

"Can we just stay home and watch movies." I said. He nodded and helped me down.

The whole car ride was silent. When we reached the apartment Brendan spoke a little, but not mentioning what happened.

Time skip

We both decided to move into a house. Brendan went to sign the paperwork and he will be back to pick me up. When we got there I was instantly amazed. (Prepare for a lot of pictures) The front of the house looks like a dream.

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Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now