Part 32

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I started crying, I couldn't believe he would do this. We where together for almost a year. I can't believe he really did this.

I didn't move, I done broke down, sobbing as I was looking at him.

He was one his knee while the why don't we boys singing 'human'.

I fell to my knees, holding my hands to my chest, all while sobbing.

Not believing what is happening, thinking this is a dream and that I will wake up.

Brendan ran to me the second I fell. He wrapped his arms around me. He started whispering into my ear but one thing he said stuck out.

"I want to be with you, Bj I love you, Bj Paul I want you to marry me."

My sobbing slowed down and I hugged him tight.

"I love you Brendan North, Bren I love you and want to be with you for ever. I want to marry you"

He pulled my hand from my chest and slipped the ring on my finger.

"How much did you pay for this, it's beautiful

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"How much did you pay for this, it's beautiful."

"Don't worry about it, your worth it Bj."

I felt him move his head, then he moved his jaw like he was talking (he told the boys they can go but he mouthed it to them.).

"Come on let's get back home, you look like you need the rest." He stood up and offered me his hand.

I gladly took it, we walked back to my car, hand and hand.


Logan was nowhere to be seen but his car(s) are still in the drive way. When I turned of my car Brenden was waiting for me. He grabbed my hand and started to walk away but I stayed put.

"I'm still tired and I don't fell like seeing Logan right now." He frowned and hugged me.

"Logan doesn't know I proposed today."

"But I don't want to walk." He groaned and then he picked me up (like a little kid, her legs where around his waist and her arms where around his neck.)

I buried my head into his next and shut my eyes. He kissed my head and held my waist. When we walked in I heard Logan shouting something to someone. Then I heard thumping coming down the stairs.

"What did you do to my sister." He started yelling.

I moved my head to tell him I could 'wake up'.

"Logan calm down she fell asleep on the way back and I didn't want to wake her up." He scoffed.

"Your a kind boyfriend to her why can't you be kind to me."

Brendan shook his head and started walking again. I felt him stop after awhile, he removed one of his hands from my waist to open my door.

He dropped me on my bed then I opened my eyes.

"Hi" he said taking his shirt and shoes off.

"Hi" I said taking my shoes and jacket off, throwing it on the floor.

Brendan climbed into my bed and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm in love with you Brenden." I kissed and and snuggled my head into his chest.

"I'm in love with you to Bj." He kissed the top of my head.

The vibration of his chest Southed me.

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now