Part 7

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When we all finished getting ready I was the first to walk out and Brendan could not keep his eyes off me. Brendan walked to me, "You look very sexy. "He said with a wink. I leaned over to his ear, "I would have to say the same for you. "I said then kissed his cheek. I turned around and saw that everyone was ready, "let's get going." I said grabbing Brendan's hand and pulling him out the door.

The drive was short but we finally made it to the restaurant. The waiter sat us down. (Jack sat in front of Dakota, Kent in front of Taylor, and the same with Brendan and Bj).

"Do you think they have pizza." Dakota said. Brendan answered because he been here before "Um no pizza isn't part of the restaurants definition of fancy." I felt Brendan moved his legs into mine and sent me a small smile. I blushed and winked at him with a smile, "Ow Bj what was that for." Brendan said confused at my innocent face, I might of kicked him. When no one was looking I stuck my tongue at him. "Your so childish." He said chuckling. "Hey I'm a Paul, we are all childish." I said. 

We all ordered our food and I was staring at Brendan. "Do you mind?" he said to me, while he was texting someone. "Who you texting?" I asked trying to look at his phone.

"Logan he is trying to make our date go short because he needs me." "Aw poor Logan can't get his video filmed." I said in a baby voice. I heard the others chuckle.

"Ok so Brendan truth or dare." Dare" "I dare you to stop texting." He turned of his phone and put it down and grabbed my hand. "Kent truth or dare." Brendan said. 


"what is your most embarrassing moments." 

 "Oh god, um when I was at the mall after I meet Taylor I was shopping for my sisters birthday and I went and get her some cloths and I wasn't paying attention and ran into a pole." He said putting his head down. 

I was dying of laughter, but Brendan ruined it and kicked me under the table. I glared at him. "Jack truth or dare" Kent said. 


"I dare you to walk up to a couples table and grab some food and eat it like nothing happened." Jack to a deep breath and walked up to a couples table and took some chicken and pretended he was going to the bathroom. We were all laughing when he came back, "Taylor truth or truth" I saw the smirk on Jacks face and knew he was planing something good.

"Ugh truth." 

"What was your first though that came in your minded when you first meet Kent." 

"Wow hes hot." She said looking at him. Kent winked at her and she smiled.


We dropped Jack and Dakota at the his house and we drove back to the apartment. When we walked in Logan was standing their with a plate in his hand and his vlog camera in the other. I ran behind Brendan and saw Taylor run behind Kent. He dropped the plate and Brendan hugged me. I looked up and ran to kong and brought his leash. And sat on the couch. "Taylor you and Kent can stay in my room and I'm going with Brendan." I said getting up and grabbing his hand then walked out the door. 

"Where are we going?"

 "Your place." He nodded and walked to his apartment. When we got there Brendan was holding me because I got tired. He put me on his couch and got dressed for bed and gave me one of his hoodies. "Brendan i think we should do it." I said.(not what your thinking sickos)

He nodded and we both took a picture.

BjjPaul guess who

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BjjPaul guess who

Username: yesss I bet it's som one from team ten
Username1: it has to be to be one of Logan's friends
Hater: I feel bad for the guy she must of paid him.
Loganpaul: boi you trying to smash
@hater you gud bro
BjjPaul: llamas


BrendanNorth: I love you😍😘

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BrendanNorth: I love you😍😘

Username1: oh my gosh he is dating Bj
Username:@username1 yes my ship has sailed
Username3: ahhh my parents
Hater1:gross his girlfriend belongs in a trash.
Jakepaul: @hater1 your just jealous because he can get a girlfriend and you can't get to first base
Loganpaul: oh we need some ice for that burn
BjjPaul: nice little bro

I cuddled more into a shirtless Brendan as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head. "I love you Brittny Jordan Paul, always." He whispered. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. (Me dying because i put a harry potter reference, and didnt notice)

Let's just live in the moment (Brendan north)Where stories live. Discover now