Part 38

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I was about to start my vlog when a round of barking was brought upstairs. They barking stopped and I started my intro.

"What's up B-team. It's been a while and I have a lot to say but that's going in a different video." The barking started up again. "I haven't be downstairs at all today so let's check it out." I did a transition.

I walked downstairs and saw a few girls with dogs running around. I turned my camera back and continued to walk.

"What is going on down here?" I said.

Everyone looked over to me and I looked to Brenden. His eyes lit up when he saw me. I smirked and continued walking down.

"I'm going to the beach, if I'm not back in 3 hours then you can have a search party for me." I said while grabbing my (surf)board and kissing Brendan.

I walked to the Yeti and tied my board on it and started to drive off.

When I got to the beach I ran into some fans, I asked them if they wanted to hang out with me. Of course they said yes.

It's been 2 hours already and all the fans had left and I was sitting on my phone on top of the yeti. I guy that I've never seen before walked up to me and grabbed my phone, he threw it on the ground. I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my wrist and put a hard grip on me. I than tried screaming for help but he smash his lips on mine, I struggled to get him off me but he kept a firm and hard grip around me. I felt him smirk into the "kiss" then he let go of one of my wrist and slid his hand down to my lower side of my back, almost at my ass.

I moved my free arm to try to push him away put he was pulled away from me. I felt his hand from my back has been moved and his grip on my wrist was gone. I opened my eyes and saw Logan and Brendan. Logan held the guy back while Brendan looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I let my tears fall and I looked at my wrist and saw a bruise forming. I choked back a sob and I jumped of the car and ran into Brendan's arms.

He held me firm but gentle as I cried into his chest. He moved his hand to my back and his other to my head and held me.

"It's ok. Your ok now Bj, he isn't going to hurt you anymore. It's ok Bj I'm here now, don't worry" he whispered against my head.

I heard sirens but I still didn't look up. Soon I heard Logan talking to someone while Brendan slowly pushed me away. He looked into my eyes and wiped my tears.

"It's ok Bj. Don't cry everything is ok now." He then kissed my cheek.

I held my bruised wrist in my chest and looked at my phone, not daring to looked at anything else. I felt a hand on my wrist, I flinched and looked over to see who it was. Brendan looked at my wrist and carefully rubbed the bruise.

"We're take care of this, don't worry." He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I looked at Logan and saw him looking at me while talking to a cop.

Soon after everyone was gone Logan took my hand and squeezed it gently.

"I love you Bj." Logan said letting go of my hand. He took the keys for the yeti and Brendan took my hand and lead me to his car.

When we got home I dragged Brendan to my room and Draco followed us. I walked to my closet and grabbed some clothes for the both of us and threw him his. Draco was on the bed while Brendan took of his shirt and lifted up his hand for me to grab.  He pulled me down and whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to get some ice for your bruise." I nodded and he walked out.

When he came back he had ice in one hand and of of his hoodies (my favorite hoodie of his).

"I want to cheer you up but I have to saw this soon, but I'm moving out. I also want you to move in with me." He said hugging me.

"I'll have to ask Logan." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"I'm pretty sure he'll say yes, moving in isn't as bad as being married." He leaned closer to my face.

"I'm pretty sure too. I'll ask him tomorrow." I said closer the gap between us.

He held my back (and I jumped a little bit) and my hand while and had my arms around his neck. We both pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I love you Brendan."

"I love you too Bj."

Sorry it's been for every bit I have a lot of stuff going on that I might not do the next chapter till weeks from now.

Brendan is moving out and I have an idea for the next few chapters, you can probably guess what.


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