Part 45

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"Hey Bj. I just want to know if we can talk soon. I really miss you and I love you so much. I understand if you don't want to talk to me, I messed up. I love you Bj." The 3rd voice mail this week. I sighed and got out of bed.

"Bj you can't ignore him forever." Logan said as he leaned on the door frame. I looked down and nodded. I heard him get closer to me then he sat on the bed. "Come Bj I'll be with you when you call him."

I picked up my phone and called Brendan. It ringed for a few seconds and then I heard his voice.

"Hey Bj" his voice ringed through my mind.

"Hey Brendan. How are you?"

"I'm good. How bout you?"

"Ok, I guess."

"I'm sorry for over reacting. I didn't mean for you to feel overwhelmed."

"I'm sorry too Brendan. Leaving the apartment was a bit uncalled for."

"So are you coming back home?" He asked unsure on how I was going to react.

"Yeah I'll be back in a little bit. Bye Brendan, I love you."

"I love you to Bj." I hung up and looked at Logan and smiled.

"You feel better don't you?" I nodded and hugged him, the smile never leaving my face.

When Logan left the room, I got dressed into the clothes that I came wore when I came here. I walked downstairs and said bye to Logan and went to Brendan's car. I walk to the front door of the apartment. Slowly opening the door I noticed Draco on the couch.

"Hey Draco! Where's your dad?" I said. Arms wrapped around my waist. I screamed in surprise and fear.

"Hey Bj." The voice said. I realized the voice belongs to a certain person.

"BRENDAN!" I yelled as I turned around and hugged him.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't crying, I mean who wouldn't. His arms wrapped around my waist with a firm grip. I looked up, grabbed his head and smashed my lips on his.

"I missed this." He mumbled.

"Hm" I pulled away and just hugged him like I'm about to lose him.

Time skip *BED TIME*

I wore Brendan's shirt while I sat on my phone texting Logan.

L- hey B. How are you?

Bj- good

L- cool
L- just remember I'm always here for you

Bj- I know log
Bj- remember that I'm always here for you. No matter how much I hate you. I promise.

L- I just screenshots this. I'm using this against you. Just remember that😏

Bj- yay😑😑

"Hey Bj, off your phone. Spend time with me. I haven't seen you in a week and a half." Brendan said while grabbing my phone from my hands.

He put my phone on the charger and then climbed into bed. To be honest he looked so tired. "Go to bed. I'll be the in a little bit." I said to him. I kissed his cheek and got up and looked for Angle.



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